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Horizontal Menu Props with types

switchToVerticalbooleanSwitch menu orientation to vertical if set to truefalse
hideMenubooleanHide the menu when breakpoint size is reached on window resize.-
breakpointxs | sm | md | lg | xl | xxl | alwaysSet when the sidebar should trigger responsiveness behaviorlg
breakpointsPartial<typeof defaultBreakpoints>Set custom breakpoints when the sidebar should trigger responsiveness behavior-
customBreakpointstringSet custom breakpoint value, this will override breakpoint prop-
customStylesCSSObjectSet custom styling for the horizontal navigation-
verticalNavProps{ width?: number; backgroundColor?: string; backgroundImage?: string; customStyles?: CSSObject; }Change the look of the Vertical navigation when breakpoint is reached width: {260}
verticalNavContent{ ({ children }: ChildrenType) => JSX.Element }Change the content of the Vertical navigation when breakpoint is reached width: {260}
triggerPopouthover | clickIf click, submenu popper will open/close when clicking on MenuItemhover
browserScrollbooleanDisplay Browser scroll or Perfect Scrollbarfalse
transitionDurationnumberTransition duration (in ms) for the submenu300
menuItemStylesMenuItemStylesRender method for style customization on MenuItem and SubMenu components-
renderExpandIcon(params: { level: number; disabled: boolean; active: boolean; open: boolean; }) => ReactElementRender method for customizing submenu expand icon-
renderExpandedMenuItemIconRenderExpandedMenuItemIconRender method for customizing MenuItem & SubMenu icons-
textTruncatebooleanIf true, text will truncate in all the MenuItems and SubMenustrue
popoutMenuOffset{mainAxis?: number | ((params: { level?: number }) => number) alignmentAxis?: number | ((params: { level?: number }) => number) }Popout menu offset-
verticalMenuProps{verticalMenuProps?: Pick< VerticalMenuProps, | 'transitionDuration' | 'menuSectionStyles' | 'menuItemStyles' | 'subMenuOpenBehavior' | 'renderExpandIcon' | 'renderExpandedMenuItemIcon' | 'textTruncate' | 'rootStyles'>}Props to be passed to the VerticalMenu component when the menu is rendered vertically-
rootStylesCSSObjectSet custom styling for the menu-
iconReactElementIcon for the menu item-
disabledbooleanIf true, the component is disabledfalse
prefixReactNode | ChipPropsAdd a prefix to the menuItem-
suffixReactNode | ChipPropsAdd a suffix to the menuItem-
componentstring | ReactElementRouter Link or NavLink component that will be used to handle routing<a>
targetstringThe link will open according to the target option_self
relstringSet rel for your link-
onActiveChange(active: boolean) => voidCallback function called when menu item's active state changes-
rootStylesCSSObjectSet custom styling for menu item-
labelReactNodeLabel for the submenu-
iconReactElementIcon for submenu-
disabledbooleanIf true, the component is disabledfalse
prefixReactNode | ChipPropsAdd a prefix to the submenu-
suffixReactNode | ChipPropsAdd a suffix to the submenu-
componentstring | ReactElementComponent to render the submenu with<a>
contentClassNamestringCustom class for submenu's content area-
onOpenChange(open: boolean) => voidCallback function called when submenu state changes-
rootStylesCSSObjectSet custom styling for submenu-