Javascript Usage

Apex admin manages all js files in app-assets folder and allows users to add their own js files inside assets folder. Both app-assets and assets folders can be found in root of the downloaded package. All vendor js can be found under app-assets/vendors/js/.

Apex admin manages all theme js files in src/js/ folder and users js files inside assets/js/ folder. Both src/js/ and assets/ folders can be found in root of the downloaded package.

Gulp command dist-js will compile & minify all js files in app-assets/js folder.

Js files structure for src/js/

└── src/
    └── js/
        ├── core/
        └── template-js-files

Following is the details of what all js folders.

Folder Details
core core folder contains core libraries and core js files of Apex admin template like app and app-menu.
template-js-files contains all js files that are used to initialize plugins and pages.
Heads Up!

It is not recommend to change any js files inside src/js/ folder to avoid future update conflicts. If you still modify, it may requires to merge it manually with future updates.

JS files structure for assets/ folder.

└── assets/
    └── js/
        └── scripts.js

You can write your own custom JS inside assets/js/scripts.js file.

You can add your new JS files or folder in assets/ folder to avoid any future conflicts or merge.