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Remove Authentication from full-version


Only for those who are using the full-version.


In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of removing authentication partly or completely from the full-version.

Remove Credentials Provider from the full-version

To remove the Credentials Provider from the full-version, you'll need to follow the steps below:

  • remove CredentialProvider import and its usage from the src/libs/auth.ts file

  • remove the src/app/api/login folder

  • update the handleSubmit function in the src/views/Login.tsx file to the following:

    const handleSubmit = (event: FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>) => {

    Also, remove the unused hooks and imports from the src/views/Login.tsx file.

That's it! You've successfully removed the CredentialsProvider from the full-version.

Remove Google Provider from the full-version

To remove the Google Provider from the full-version, you'll need to follow the steps below:

  • remove GoogleProvider import and its usage from the src/libs/auth.ts file. Additionally, remove the following code related to the PrismaAdapter from this file:

    - import { PrismaAdapter } from '@auth/prisma-adapter'
    - import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
    - import type { Adapter } from 'next-auth/adapters'

    - const prisma = new PrismaClient()

    - adapter: PrismaAdapter(prisma) as Adapter,
  • remove the src/prisma folder

  • remove the button with the onClick={() => signIn('google')} prop from the src/views/Login.tsx file:

    <button className='block' onClick={() => signIn('google')}>
    Login with google
  • remove the following envireonment variables from the .env file:

  • update the following in your package.json file:

    "scripts": {
    - "migrate": "dotenv -e .env -- npx prisma migrate dev",
    - "postinstall": "prisma generate && npm run build:icons"
    + "postinstall": "npm run build:icons"
    - "prisma": {
    - "schema": "./src/prisma/schema.prisma"
    - }
  • remove the following dependencies from your project:

    • @auth/prisma-adapter
    • @prisma/client
    • prisma
    • dotenv-cli

    Use the following command to remove these dependencies:

    pnpm remove @auth/prisma-adapter @prisma/client prisma dotenv-cli

That's it! You've successfully removed the GoogleProvider and PrismaAdapter from the full-version.

Remove Authentication completely from the full-version

In this section, we'll walk you through the process of removing authentication completely from the full-version.

To remove authentication completely from the full-version, you'll need to follow the steps below:

  • remove the following files & folders and their imports from the project:

    • src/app/api/auth
    • src/app/api/login
    • src/libs/auth.ts
    • src/contexts/nextAuthProvider.tsx
    • src/prisma
    • src/hocs/AuthGuard.tsx
    • src/hocs/GuestOnlyRoute.tsx
    • src/components/AuthRedirect.tsx
  • remove signOut & useSession imports and usage from the src/components/layout/shared/UserDropdown.tsx file

  • remove signIn import and usage from the src/views/Login.tsx file

  • remove NextAuthProvider import and its usage from the src/components/Providers.tsx file

  • remove src/app/[lang]/(blank-layout-pages)/(guest-only)/layout.tsx file

  • move all the files or folders from the src/app/[lang]/(blank-layout-pages)/(guest-only) directory to the src/app/[lang]/(blank-layout-pages) directory and remove the empty (guest-only) directory

  • move all the files or folders from the src/app/[lang]/(dashboard)/(private) directory to the src/app/[lang]/(dashboard) directory and remove the empty (private) directory

  • remove the following envireonment variables from the .env file:

  • update the following in your package.json file:

    "scripts": {
    - "migrate": "dotenv -e .env -- npx prisma migrate dev",
    - "postinstall": "prisma generate && npm run build:icons"
    + "postinstall": "npm run build:icons"
    - "prisma": {
    - "schema": "./src/prisma/schema.prisma"
    - }
  • remove the following dependencies from your project:

    • @auth/prisma-adapter
    • @prisma/client
    • next-auth
    • prisma
    • dotenv-cli

    Use the following command to remove these dependencies:

    pnpm remove @auth/prisma-adapter @prisma/client next-auth prisma dotenv-cli

That's it! You've successfully removed authentication completely from the full-version.