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How to override Shadows

We are using customShadows everywhere in our template. You can refer the customShadows from src/@core/theme/customShadows.ts file.

You can also checkout the MUI Shadows in our core theme file src/@core/theme/shadows.ts.

How to override Custom Shadows

  1. Open the file src/components/theme/mergedTheme.ts and override the customShadows as per your requirement. For example, if you want to change the xs shadow, you can do it like this:

    const userTheme = {
    customShadows: {
    xs: `0px 5px 15px rgb(var(--mui-mainColorChannels-${mode}Shadow) / ${mode === 'light' ? 0.5 : 0.6})`
    } as Theme;
  2. Now follow the common customization steps mentioned in Overview.