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How to set/change the base url

VITE_API_BASE_URL is an environment variable for managing base url of the endpoint. This will help us by not writing the base url every time we call api endpoint. We only need to write endpoint of the api.


const {data:invoiceData, error} = await useApi('http://localhost:3000/apps/invoice')
const {data:invoiceData, error} = await useApi('/apps/invoice')

This is also helpful when we want to configure different base url for dev & production environment.

To set the base url, you need to configure VITE_API_BASE_URL environment variable in .env file. If you don't set base url in .env file, it will take /api as default base url for all api endpoints.

When you are ready to replace the fake API with a real database, you need to update the VITE_API_BASE_URL with the URL of your new real API endpoints.

Nuxt Only

In Nuxt, you can configure the base URL by setting the NUXT_PUBLIC_API_BASE_URL environment variable in the .env file. Note that in Nuxt, there isn't a default base URL provided; you must define it yourself.