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Fetching nav items from API

In this code example, We will look at how to fetch nav items from API and render it in our layout.


We will use fake-api to simulate API response.

Fake API endpoint

For adding a new fake API endpoint let's create a new directory navigation in src/plugins/fake-api/handlers for handlers. Create two files inside this directory index.ts and db.ts.

In db.ts, we will place our navigation data


// file: db.ts

export const db = {
  navItems: [
    { heading: 'Dashboards' },
      title: 'Home',
      icon: 'mdi-home',
      to: 'index',
      action: 'read',
      subject: 'Auth',

In index.ts we wil define our handler.


import { rest } from 'msw'
import { db } from './db'

export const handlerNavItems = [
  rest.get(('/api/nav-items'), (req, res, ctx) => {
    return res(
      ctx.json({ navItems: db.navItems}),

Using nav items from API

Now let's consume above API endpoint and pass response to our nav menu so it renders nav items from our API. For this we will update the src/layouts/default.vue

<script lang="ts" setup>
import navItems from '@/navigation/vertical'
const navItems = ref([])  
const { data:navItems, error } = await useApi('/nav-items') 

Next, Please make sure you are passing navItems in nav-items prop of DefaultLayoutWithVerticalNav component.

<DefaultLayoutWithVerticalNav :nav-items="navItems">

That's all 🥳