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How to update/modify configs in our template?

In our template, we have defined a store useConfigStore which facilitates getting and setting a variety of configuration options related to the theme and template. You can find this store in @core/store/config.ts file.

This store is used in the implementation of our customizer feature, which allows users to customize the theme and template according to their preferences. By utilizing useConfigStore store, users can easily modify various configuration settings to achieve the desired appearance and functionality of the template. Please refer to below code snippet for more info.

  • theme: You can get and set the current theme of the application.
import { useConfigStore } from '@core/stores/config'
const configStore = useConfigStore()

// Get
console.log(configStore.theme); // system/dark/light

// Set
configStore.theme = 'dark'
  • isVerticalNavSemiDark: Semi dark options (true / false).
  • skin: Skin options ( bordered / default).
  • appRouteTransition: Route transition options (fade / none).
  • navbarType: Navbar Options (sticky / static / hidden).
  • isNavbarBlurEnabled: Navbar Blur options (true / false).
  • footerType: Footer Options (sticky / static / hidden).
  • isVerticalNavCollapsed: Vertical Nav Options (true / false).
  • appContentWidth: App content width options (boxed / fluid).
  • appContentLayoutNav: Layout nav options (Vertical / Horizontal).
  • horizontalNavType: Horizontal nav type options (sticky / static / hidden).
  • isAppRtl: App rtl options (true / false).