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Migrating to v4

From v4 version, we also provide Nuxt version of our template. During this journey we also made some changes to the template structure. Below is the list of changes you need to make to migrate to v4.

In most of the changes, we recommend you just use your favorite editor's find and replace feature. 😉


Please refer to Plugins guide for understanding how new plugin registration mechanism works.

Moreover, We moved all the plugins to src/plugins directory. Below is list of plugins there were not present in plugins directory before:

  • Router (was at src/router)
  • Pinia (was in src/main.ts)
  • Iconify (was at src/@iconify)


We moved src/styles directory to src/assets/styles directory. If you were importing styles using @styles alias then you don't have to update anything as we have updated the alias to point to new directory in v4. However, if you were using @/styles alias then you need to update it to @/assets/styles.

Do note that ESLint can't lint SCSS files so don't forget to update the imports there.

Apart from this, As we moved the styles directory we also had to update path in src/assets/styles/variables/_vuetify.scss file because it had a relative path.

@forward "../../@core/scss/template/libs/vuetify/variables"; 
@forward "../../../@core/scss/template/libs/vuetify/variables"; 


Even if you were using @/assets/styles import, our ESLint configuration marks it as invalid import and auto replaces it with @styles. This showcases the superior tooling we provide. 💎

Axios is replaced by Fetch API

We no longer 🙅🏻‍♂️ use axios in our template. Instead we use native fetch API.

We made this decision because fetch API is now stable and everyone is using it. With this we are now able to remove one more third-party package. Moreover, Nuxt also uses fetch API under the hood. So, we decided to use it in our template as well.


If you want to use axios then you can follow their official guide to integrate it in our template.

Language Configuration

You can now configure languages straight from the themeConfig.ts file. This will keep your code DRY and unlocks new feature of configuring LTR/RTL direction for each language.

You can refer to themeConfig.ts file for more details.

If we missed something please let us know 😇