
Basic Dialogs

This is the default dialog which is useful for displaying information. The dialog window can be moved, resized and closed with the 'x' icon.

Dialogs may be animated by specifying an effect for the show and/or hide properties. You must include the individual effects file for any effects you would like to use.

If modal set to true, the dialog will have modal behavior; other items on the page will be disabled, i.e., cannot be interacted with. Modal dialogs create an overlay below the dialog but above other page elements.

Which element the dialog (and overlay, if modal) should be appended to.

Note: The appendTo option should not be changed while the dialog is open.

Specifies the title of the dialog. If the value is null, the title attribute on the dialog source element will be used.

Confirm an action that may be destructive or important. Set the modal option to true, and specify primary and secondary user actions with the buttons option.

Specifies which buttons should be displayed on the dialog. The context of the callback is the dialog element; if you need access to the button, it is available as the target of the event object.

A key of icons can be used to control button's icons option.

Specifies whether the dialog should close when it has focus and the user presses the escape (ESC) key.

Specifies the text for the close button. Note that the close text is visibly hidden when using a standard theme.

If set to true, the dialog will be draggable by the title bar. Requires the jQuery UI Draggable widget to be included.

If set to true, the dialog will be resizable. Requires the jQuery UI Resizable widget to be included.

Specifies where the dialog should be displayed when opened. The dialog will handle collisions such that as much of the dialog is visible as possible.

The of property defaults to the window, but you can specify another element to position against.

Specifies where the dialog should be displayed when opened. The dialog will handle collisions such that as much of the dialog is visible as possible.

The of property defaults to the window, but you can specify another element to position against.

Specifies where the dialog should be displayed when opened. The dialog will handle collisions such that as much of the dialog is visible as possible.

The of property defaults to the window, but you can specify another element to position against.

Dialogs Height & Width Configurations

The height of the dialog.

The width of the dialog, in pixels.

The maximum height to which the dialog can be resized, in pixels.

The maximum width to which the dialog can be resized, in pixels.

The minimum height to which the dialog can be resized, in pixels.

The minimum width to which the dialog can be resized, in pixels.

Width in percentage to keep the dialog fluid with window width.

full width dialog.

Dialog Forms



Tooltips can be attached to any element. When you hover the element with your mouse, the title attribute is displayed in a little box next to the element, just like a native tooltip.

The content of the tooltip.When changing this option, you likely need to also change the items option.

Here the tooltips are positioned relative to the mouse, and follow the mouse while it moves above the element, using the track option.

If and how to animate the showing of the tooltip.

If and how to animate the hiding of the tooltip.

This demo shows how to customize animations using the open event.

Identifies the position of the tooltip in relation to the associated target element. The of option defaults to the target element, but you can specify another element to position against. Here we have set tooltip on top of the button.

Identifies the position of the tooltip in relation to the associated target element. The of option defaults to the target element, but you can specify another element to position against. Here we have set tooltip on right of the button.

Identifies the position of the tooltip in relation to the associated target element. The of option defaults to the target element, but you can specify another element to position against. Here we have set tooltip on bottom of the button.

Identifies the position of the tooltip in relation to the associated target element. The of option defaults to the target element, but you can specify another element to position against. Here we have set tooltip on left of the button.

Display tooltip with primary background color using the tooltipClass option.

Display tooltip with Info background color using the tooltipClass option.

Display tooltip with Warning background color using the tooltipClass option.

Display tooltip with Success background color using the tooltipClass option.

Display tooltip with Danger background color using the tooltipClass option.

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