Stack - Responsive bootstrap 4 admin templates provides different types of id, classes & attributes to customize the template.
This template can be customize directly from HTML code, please refer below section for more information.
HTML Snippet
Below HTML Snippet is the structutre of this template, you can use the defined id, class & attributes to customize the it.
<html lang="en" data-textdirection="ltr" class="loaded">
<!-- BODY -->
<body data-open="click" data-menu="vertical-menu" data-col="2-columns" class="vertical-layout vertical-menu 2-columns fixed-navbar pace-done menu-expanded">
<!-- NAVBAR -->
<nav class="header-navbar navbar navbar-with-menu fixed-top navbar-semi-light bg-gradient-x-grey-blue">
<!--/ NAVBAR -->
<div data-scroll-to-active="true" class="main-menu menu-fixed menu-light menu-accordion menu-shadow">
<!-- CONTENT -->
<div class="app-content content container-fluid">
<!--/ CONTENT -->
<footer class="footer footer-static footer-dark navbar-border">
<!--/ BODY -->
Template <body>
tag has the following page customization options as shown in the table. Please Refer line no: 6 in the above HTML Snippet.
Section | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Body |