Simple User Cards
A very basic simple user cards.
Simple User Cards with Border
Use color pallet border class border-color
, border-lighten-*
Simple User Cards with Square Thumbnail
Use shadow helper class box-shadow-*
to add show in cards.
User Profile Cards
User profile cards with border & shadow variant.
User Profile Cards with Stats
User profile cards with Stats in border & shadow variant.

Linda Holland
- @lindah
Managing Director
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, autem imperdiet et nam. Nullam labores id quo, sed ei.

Philip Garrett
- @philipg
Managing Director
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, autem imperdiet et nam. Nullam labores id quo, sed ei.

Christine Wood
- @christine
Managing Director
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, autem imperdiet et nam. Nullam labores id quo, sed ei.
User Profile Cards with Cover Image
User profile cards with Cover Image in border & shadow variant.