# How To Add Role-Based Access In Starter Kit?

Most of the applications required role-based user access, Vuexy Admin provides it built-in to use it easily. We've already implemented JWT with role-based access in full-version but not in starter-kit.


Before implementing role-based access, it is required to implement JWT authentication first. Follow article How to add JWT in starter-kit?

But, Vuexy Angular admin starter-kit has Auth folder src/app/auth which has JWT role-based access helpers, models & services which can be used easily.


Replace the src/@core/core-menu folder. Copy it folder from path : full-version/src/@core/components/core-menu & replace the folder that is on path : starter-kit/src/@core/components/core-menu. Starter-kit core-menu/ folder do not include conditional functionality to display menu item based on role for that we need to copy it.

# Setup role-based access on route

Now, let's implement role-based access on the route level to protect the routes based on user role. In the below example We've set up AuthGuard on each route and added data: { roles: [Role.Admin] } to it to protect that route which can be accessed by admin user only.


import { AuthGuard } from 'app/auth/helpers'
import { Role } from 'app/auth/models'
const routes = [
    path: 'sample',
    component: SampleComponent,
    canActivate: [AuthGuard],
    data: { roles: [Role.Admin] } // To set multiple role: [Role.Admin, Role.Client]
    path: 'home',
    component: HomeComponent,
    canActivate: [AuthGuard]

After protecting our routs based on role, it is required to add roles in menu.ts to display menu items based on role. Added the role: ['Admin'] property to sample page menu object in menu.ts file, by doing this sample menu item will only visible to the admin user.

# Setup menu item visibility

Open starter-kit/src/app/menu/menu.ts file and add the role: ['Admin'] property to Sample page menu item object, by doing this sample menu item will only visible to the admin user.

Menu role property is used to display menu type i.e items, collapsible & section based on user role. For more details refer Menu (navigation)


import { CoreMenu } from '@core/types'
export const menu: CoreMenu[] = [
    id: 'home',
    title: 'Home',
    translate: 'MENU.HOME',
    type: 'item',
    icon: 'home',
    url: 'home'
    id: 'sample',
    title: 'Sample',
    translate: 'MENU.SAMPLE',
    type: 'item',
    icon: 'file',
    url: 'sample',
    role: ['Admin'] // To set multiple role: ['Admin', 'Client']

# How to manage roles?

To manage roles, navigate to file starter-kit/src/app/auth/models/role.ts, here you can update roles. For more details refer Role Based JWT Auth.

Last Updated: 6/10/2021, 7:02:52 PM