# Menu (Navigation)

In this page you will find how to add/update menu(navigation) items. Vuexy Admin use menu.ts file to manage the template menu.


Both Vertical and Horizontal menu type use the single menu file menu.ts for menu data.

# Interface

Before updating the menu, first let's understand the Menu Interface (Options). Each menu item has below options are available.

export interface CoreMenuItem {
  id: string
  title: string
  url?: string
  type: 'section' | 'collapsible' | 'item'
  role?: Array<string>
  translate?: string
  icon?: string
  disabled?: boolean
  hidden?: boolean
  classes?: string
  exactMatch?: boolean
  externalUrl?: boolean
  openInNewTab?: boolean
  badge?: {
    title?: string
    translate?: string
    classes?: string
  children?: CoreMenuItem[]

Refer the below table for the more details on menu Interface properties.

Properties Data Type Description
id string Unique menu item id
title string Menu item title (name)
url (optional) string Menu item url
type 'section' , 'collapsible' , 'item' Menu item type
role (optional) Array Set role based permission to display menu item
translate (optional) string Translate id used in i18n language file
icon (optional) string Menu item icon
disabled (optional) boolean Set true to disabled menu item
hidden (optional) boolean Set true to hide menu item
classes (optional) string Set Custom class for menu item
exactMatch (optional) boolean Set routerLinkActiveOptions
externalUrl (optional) boolean Set true for external menu item url
openInNewTab (optional) boolean Set true to open menu item url in new tab
badge (optional) object Set menu item badge

# Usage

Vuexy Angular admin use menu.ts file to easily manage the template menu. This file can be use for the Vertical or Horizontal menu type.

Below is the example code which will help you to craft menu with possible menu options. In this example we have used Menu Interface options such as id, types, title, translation, role, icon, url, badge, disabled, externalUrl and openInNewTab.


Use menu/i18n/en.ts | fr.ts | de.ts | pt.ts files to setup translation based on language. Set the translations for the menu from src/app/app.component.ts file. For more detail on translation refer Translation

  id: 'charts-maps',
  type: 'section',
  title: 'Charts & Maps',
  translate: 'MENU.CM.SECTION',
  icon: 'bar-chart-2',
  children: [
      id: 'charts',
      title: 'Charts',
      translate: 'MENU.CM.CHARTS.COLLAPSIBLE',
      type: 'collapsible',
      // role: ['Admin'], // To hide collapsible based on user role
      icon: 'pie-chart',
      badge: {
        title: '2',
        translate: 'MENU.CM.CHARTS.BADGE',
        classes: 'badge-light-danger badge-pill'
      children: [
          id: 'apex',
          title: 'Apex',
          translate: 'MENU.CM.CHARTS.APEX',
          role: ['Admin'], // To set multiple role: ['Admin', 'Client']
          type: 'item',
          icon: 'circle',
          url: 'charts-and-maps/apex'
          id: 'chartJs',
          title: 'ChartJS',
          translate: 'MENU.CM.CHARTS.CHARTJS',
          type: 'item',
          icon: 'circle',
          url: 'charts-and-maps/chartjs'
      id: 'disabled-menu',
      title: 'Disabled Menu',
      translate: 'MENU.OTHERS.DISABLED',
      icon: 'eye-off',
      type: 'item',
      url: '#',
      disabled: true
      id: 'documentation',
      title: 'Documentation',
      icon: 'file-text',
      type: 'item',
      url: 'https://demos.pixinvent.com/vuexy-angular-admin-template/documentation',
      externalUrl: true,
      openInNewTab: true


Menu role property is used to display menu type i.e items, collapsible & section based on user role.

It is not same as managing routes with role based access. Router can actually redirect user based on role.

Last Updated: 6/10/2021, 7:02:52 PM