# Translation (Multi Language)

Vuexy Angular uses ngx-translate (opens new window) internationalization (i18n) library for translation.


Simple example using ngx-translate (opens new window)

# Usage

To use the translation, it is required to create translation file with in the module you want to use translation. For example, Vuexy Angular use translation in src/app/main/dashoard. You need to create translation files for each different language under dashboard/i18n folder.

It is important that you follow the structure of the translation file and it must define the language id along with the translation data:

// i18n/en.ts
export const locale = {
  lang: 'en',
  data: {
    SAMPLE: {
      CONGRATULATIONS: 'Congratulations',
      BADGE: 'You have won gold medal'

// i18n/fr.ts
export const locale = {
  lang: 'fr',
  data: {
    SAMPLE: {
      CONGRATULATIONS: 'Toutes nos félicitations',
      BADGE: "Vous avez remporté la médaille d'or"

Once you create the translation file, use CoreTranslationService to easily translate your application. For dashboard open ecommerce.component.ts file

// Import translation service
import { CoreTranslationService } from '@core/services/translation.service';
// Import the locale files
import { locale as english } from 'app/main/dashboard/i18n/en';
import { locale as french } from 'app/main/dashboard/i18n/fr';
import { locale as german } from 'app/main/dashboard/i18n/de';
import { locale as portuguese } from 'app/main/dashboard/i18n/pt';

export class EcommerceComponent implements OnInit {
   * Constructor
   * ...
   * @param {CoreTranslationService} _coreTranslationService
    private _coreTranslationService: CoreTranslationService
  ) {

    this._coreTranslationService.translate(english, french, german, portuguese);




If you are using starter-kit, It is not required to integrate ngx-translate (opens new window) as we have not removed ngx-translate (opens new window) from it. Just commented Language selection code.

# Change default language

Vuexy Admin allows you to easily change the Application default language from app/app-config.ts file. Let's assume that we want to set the default French then change appLanguage property value to fr.


If the enableLocalStorage option is true then make sure you clear the browser local storage (opens new window). Otherwise, it will not take the below config changes and use stored config from local storage.


// prettier-ignore
export const coreConfig: CoreConfig = {
  app: {
    appName     : 'Vuexy',                                        // App Name
    appTitle    : 'Vuexy - Angular 11+ Bootstrap Admin Template', // App Title
    appLogoImage: 'assets/images/logo/logo.svg',                  // App Logo
    appLanguage : 'en',                                           // App Default Language (en, fr, de, pt etc..)
  layout: {
Last Updated: 6/10/2021, 7:59:15 PM