# Route Animation

Routing enables users to navigate between different routes in an application. When a user navigates from one route to another, the Angular router maps the URL path to a relevant component and displays its view. Animating this route transition can greatly enhance the user experience.

# Usage

Route Transition animation is already included in full version and starter-kit so you don't have to include it separately.


If you do not want to use route transition animation then, you can disable it by just passing none to animation property in app-config.ts. Example: animation: 'none'

Fore more details refer App Config


Route transition animation will only work when you pass a unique name to animation property to routes array. For Example :


const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'example',
    component: exampleComponent,
    data: { animation: 'uniqueName' }

# Default Route Animation

By default we have used fadeIn animation.

# Change Route Animation


Make sure you clear the browser local storage (opens new window). If the enableLocalStorage option is true, else it will not take the below config changes and use stored config from local storage.


Vuexy Angular Admin provides 3 in-built route transition animation fadeInLeft, zoomIn & fadeIn. You can use anyone of them.

To change the route transition animation navigate to : vuexy-angular-full-version\src\app\app-config.ts (full-version)


vuexy-angular-starter-kit\src\app\app-config.ts (starter-kit-version)

In coreConfig you will find animation property inside layout object.

Just update the default(fadeIn) to the desired fadeInLeft, zoomIn , fadeIn, none.


export const coreConfig: CoreConfig = {
  app: {
    appName: 'Vuexy', // App Name
    appTitle: 'Vuexy - Angular 11+ Bootstrap Admin Template', // App Title
    appLogoImage: 'assets/images/logo/logo.svg' // App Logo
  layout: {
    skin: 'default', // default, dark, bordered, semi-dark
    type: 'vertical', // vertical, horizontal
    animation: 'fadeIn', // fadeInLeft, zoomIn , fadeIn, none
    menu: {
      hidden: false, // Boolean: true, false
      collapsed: false // Boolean: true, false
    // ? For horizontal menu, navbar type will work for navMenu type
    navbar: {
      hidden: false, // Boolean: true, false
      type: 'floating-nav', // navbar-static-top, fixed-top, floating-nav, d-none
      background: 'navbar-light', // navbar-light. navbar-dark
      customBackgroundColor: true, // Boolean: true, false
      backgroundColor: '' // BS color i.e bg-primary, bg-success
    footer: {
      hidden: false, // Boolean: true, false
      type: 'footer-static', // footer-static, footer-sticky, d-none
      background: 'footer-light', // footer-light. footer-dark
      customBackgroundColor: false, // Boolean: true, false
      backgroundColor: '' // BS color i.e bg-primary, bg-success
    enableLocalStorage: true,
    customizer: true, // Boolean: true, false (Enable theme customizer)
    scrollTop: true, // Boolean: true, false (Enable scroll to top button)
    buyNow: true // Boolean: true, false (Set false in real project, For demo purpose only)

Learn more about app-config from here.

# Customization

Step 1 : Add your custom animation.

Navigate to file :

vuexy-angular-full-version\src\@core\animations\core.animation.ts (full-version)


vuexy-angular-starter-kit\src\@core\animations\core.animation.ts (starter-kit-version)

Here, add your custom animation.

Step 2 : Update animations options on route component.

Navigate to file :

vuexy-angular-full-version\src\app\layout\components\content\content.component.html (full-version)


vuexy-angular-starter-kit\src\app\layout\components\content\content.component.html (starter-kit-version)


  <router-outlet #outlet="outlet"></router-outlet>

Navigate to file :

vuexy-angular-full-version\src\app\layout\components\content\content.component.ts (full-version)


vuexy-angular-starter-kit\src\app\layout\components\content\content.component.ts (starter-kit-version)



  selector: 'content',
  templateUrl: './content.component.html',
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
  animations: [fadeInLeft, zoomIn, fadeIn, exampleCustomAnimation] // Add your custom animation here


   * Fade In Animation
   * @param outlet
  fadeIn(outlet) {
    if (this.animate === 'fadeIn') {
      return outlet.activatedRouteData.animation;
    return null;

// your customAnimation Method
  exampleCustomAnimation(outlet) {
    if (this.animate === 'exampleCustomAnimation') {
      return outlet.activatedRouteData.animation;
    return null;


Step 3 : Set custom animation in app-config.

Navigate to :

vuexy-angular-full-version\src\app\app-config.ts (full-version)


vuexy-angular-starter-kit\src\app\app-config.ts (starter-kit-version)

In coreConfig you will find animation property inside layout object.

Just add the animation : exampleCustomAnimation.

Example :


export const coreConfig: CoreConfig = {
  layout: {
    skin  : 'default',                        // default, dark, bordered, semi-dark
    type  : 'vertical',                       // vertical, horizontal
    animation : 'exampleCustomAnimation',     // fadeInLeft, zoomIn , fadeIn, none, exampleCustomAnimation
    menu : {
      hidden               : false,           // Boolean: true, false
      collapsed            : false,           // Boolean: true, false

You have successfully integrated custom route transition animation.

Last Updated: 4/10/2021, 6:46:39 PM