# Layout Examples
Vuexy Admin uses the CoreConfigService
to set and override layout configs for specific page. To learn more on read App Config Usage and Page specific cutomization
Use App Config setting to apply the layout configuration for entire application.
# Blank Layout
Blank Layout is very useful while creating authentication and error type of pages where it do not use any layout component apart from content.
Vuexy Angular provides this layout example in full-version/
in ui/page-layouts/layout-blank/layout-blank.component.ts
To create blank layout, it is required to setup CoreConfigService
configuration as shown in below code.
import { CoreConfigService } from '@core/services/config.service';
export class LayoutBlankComponent implements OnInit {
* Constructor
* @param {CoreConfigService} _coreConfigService
constructor(private _coreConfigService: CoreConfigService) {
// Configure the layout
this._coreConfigService.config = {
layout: {
navbar: {
hidden: true
footer: {
hidden: true
menu: {
hidden: true
customizer: false,
enableLocalStorage: false
# Boxed Layout
A boxed layout means that the web page appears in a box in the browser, with space appearing around the box if your browser screen is sized larger than the box size.
Vuexy Angular provides this layout example in full-version/
in ui/page-layouts/boxed-layout/boxed-layout.component.html
. To create boxed layout add .container and .p-0 class to .content-wrapper div as shown in below example code.
<div class="content-wrapper container p-0">
<div class="content-body">
<app-content-header [contentHeader]="contentHeader"></app-content-header>
# Collapsed Menu
Collapsed menu is not layout exactly, It's help-full if you want to have collapsed menu for specific page.
Vuexy Angular provides this layout example in full-version/
in ui/page-layouts/collapsed-menu/collapsed-menu.component.ts
To create collapsed layout, it is required to setup CoreConfigService
configuration as shown in below code.
Set App Config menu collapsed value true
to have collapsed menu for entire application.
import { CoreConfigService } from '@core/services/config.service';
export class CollapsedMenuComponent implements OnInit {
* Constructor
* @param {CoreConfigService} _coreConfigService
constructor(private _coreConfigService: CoreConfigService) {
// Configure the layout
this._coreConfigService.config = {
layout: {
menu: {
collapsed: true
customizer: true,
enableLocalStorage: false
# Layout without Menu
Layout without Menu will hide the menu from the specific page. This layout will display navbar, content and footer.
Vuexy Angular provides this layout example in full-version/
in ui/page-layouts/without-menu/without-menu.component.ts
To create layout without menu, it is required to setup CoreConfigService
configuration as shown in below code.
Set App Config menu hidden
property value true
to hide menu for entire application.
import { CoreConfigService } from '@core/services/config.service';
export class WithoutMenuComponent implements OnInit {
* Constructor
* @param {CoreConfigService} _coreConfigService
constructor(private _coreConfigService: CoreConfigService) {
// Configure the layout
this._coreConfigService.config = {
layout: {
menu: {
hidden: true
customizer: true,
enableLocalStorage: false
# Layout without Navbar
Layout without Navbar will hide the Navbar from the specific page. This layout will display menu, content and footer.
To create layout without menu, it is required to setup CoreConfigService
configuration as shown in below code.
Set App Config Navbar hidden
property value true
to hide menu for entire application.
import { CoreConfigService } from '@core/services/config.service';
export class WithoutNavbarComponent implements OnInit {
* Constructor
* @param {CoreConfigService} _coreConfigService
constructor(private _coreConfigService: CoreConfigService) {
// Configure the layout
this._coreConfigService.config = {
layout: {
navbar: {
hidden: true
customizer: true,
enableLocalStorage: false