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How to add Translation in Front Pages

· 2 min read

To add translation in front pages, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Move the whole src/app/front-pages folder inside the [lang]/(blank-layout-pages) folder
  1. After moving the front-pages folder inside the [lang]/(blank-layout-pages) folder, you need to update the src/app/[lang]/(blank-layout-pages)/front-pages/layout.tsx file. Copy the following code and paste it inside this file:

    // Component Imports
    import FrontLayout from '@components/layout/front-pages'

    // Context Imports
    import { IntersectionProvider } from '@/contexts/intersectionContext'

    // Type Imports
    import type { ChildrenType } from '@core/types'

    const Layout = ({ children }: ChildrenType) => {
    return (

    export default Layout
  2. Now It is important to update the URL throughout the front-pages folder, to make the translation work for navigating to the front pages.

    For example lets update links of src/components/layout/front-pages/DropdownMenu.tsx file:

    - import { usePathname } from 'next/navigation'
    + import { usePathname, useParams } from 'next/navigation'

    + import type { Locale } from '@configs/i18n'
    + import { getLocalizedUrl } from '@/utils/i18n'

    + const { lang: locale } = useParams() // inside the main component

    Change the following code from:

    href={'/front-pages' + page.href}


    href={getLocalizedUrl('/front-pages' + page.href, locale as Locale)}

    Now this need to be implenented in all the files inside the src/components/layout/front-pages and src/views/front-pages folders for the translation to work.

That's it! Now the front pages are Translation ready.