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Authentication with NextAuth.js


Welcome to the world of modern authentication powered by NextAuth.js! In this guide, we'll introduce you to the concept of password-less authentication and how NextAuth.js can seamlessly help you achieve your authentication goals.

Why NextAuth.js?โ€‹

At the heart of our authentication philosophy lies the idea of password-less authentication. We firmly believe that this approach enhances security and user experience. To bring this vision to life, we've chosen NextAuth.js as our go-to authentication library. Its robust features and flexibility align perfectly with our mission.

Getting Startedโ€‹

We've successfully implemented authentication using NextAuth.js, ensuring a secure and smooth user authentication process for our application.

To demonstrate the capabilities of NextAuth.js, we've focused on two of the most widely used authentication methods:

  1. Credentials Provider - The Credentials Provider method allows users to authenticate using traditional credentials like usernames and passwords. This is a fundamental authentication approach and is often used as a starting point for many applications.

  2. Google Provider and Prisma Adapter - For those who prefer a more integrated approach, we've also integrated the Google Provider along with the Prisma Adapter. This offers users the convenience of signing in with their Google accounts while leveraging the power of Prisma for data management.

What's Next?โ€‹

As you dive deeper into our documentation, you'll find comprehensive guides on setting up and configuring both of these authentication methods. Whether you're interested in the straightforward approach of the Credentials Provider or the combined prowess of Google Provider and Prisma Adapter, we've got you covered.

Feel free to explore, experiment, and adapt these methods to match your application's authentication needs. Let's empower your users with secure and hassle-free authentication using NextAuth.js!

Happy authenticating! ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ๐Ÿ”

Auth Other than NextAuth.jsโ€‹

In case you do not want to use NextAuth.js and want to implement authentication from scratch, you may start your project with the starter-kit or follow the steps mentioned in the Remove Authentication from full-version guide.

You may refer to this article if you do not want to use any of the third-party authentication providers and want to implement authentication using your own custom logic.

If you're looking for alternatives to NextAuth.js, you might want to consider any third-party authentication providers such as Auth0, Firebase, Amazon Cognito, Supabase, etc.