Popout Scroll
This feature is specifically designed for a collapsed navigation sidebar where the menu items exceed the available vertical space, requiring scrolling functionality. The popout scroll feature allows you to scroll through the menu items when the menu is collapsed.
The popoutWhenCollapsed
prop controls the behavior of the navigation sidebar when it is collapsed. It enables the popout functionality, allowing the menu items to be displayed in a popout menu when the available space is insufficient.
The triggerPopout
prop specifies the event that triggers the popout menu. It can be set to either "hover" or "click" to define how the popout menu is triggered.
Browser scroll
The browserScroll
prop is used to enable or disable the use of the browser's default scroll bar.
browserScroll?: boolean
Source Code
Perfect Scroll
The perfect scroll is the default scroll behavior for the vertical popout menu. When the menu items exceed the available vertical space, the perfect scrollbar is used to scroll through the menu content. This scroll behavior is automatically enabled without any additional configuration.
Source Code