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The breakpoint prop is used to determine when the navigation sidebar should trigger responsive behavior. The responsive behavior typically involves hiding the navigation sidebar and showing a hamburger menu button instead. When the hamburger menu button is clicked, the navigation sidebar is shown as an overlay. The default value for the breakpoint prop is lg, which means that the navigation sidebar will be hidden when the screen size is less than 1200px. The breakpoint prop can be set to always to always show the hamburger menu button, regardless of the screen size.


breakpoint? : 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl' | 'xxl' | 'always'
Default Value
breakpoint = "lg";
xs< 480px
sm< 600px
md< 900px
lg< 1200px
xl< 1536px
xxl< 1920px
alwaysVertical navigation is always hidden and the hamburger menu button is always shown



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