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In Next.js applications, handling form submissions and click events on the client side can lead to errors if not managed correctly. A common practice to address this issue is to use the 'use client' directive at the top of each page containing a form. However, this can be repetitive and error-prone when forms are used extensively throughout the project. To simplify this process, we have created a custom FormComponent that incorporates 'use client', reducing its usage to just one place in the project.


To use the FormComponent in your Next.js application, follow these steps:

import Form from '@components/Form'

function MyForm() {
const handleSubmit = (event) => {
// Handle form submission
// Form submission logic

return (
<Form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
{/* Your form fields */}

Handling Submissions: The onSubmit prop is used to define the form submission logic. This method is similar to how it's used with a standard <form> element.