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This guide explains how to incorporate the @fullcalendar library within a Next.js application using Material-UI for styling. For detailed features of FullCalendar, visit the official documentation.


@fullcalendar is a powerful and flexible calendar library that can be customized to fit various use cases. In this project, we have integrated it with Material-UI to enhance its appearance and functionality.

Styling FullCalendar

We use Material-UI's styling tools to give FullCalendar a custom look. Our approach is to wrap the FullCalendar in a styled div element, named AppFullCalendar, created using Material-UI's styled function.

Styled Component: AppFullCalendar

AppFullCalendar is a styled div element specifically tailored for FullCalendar. It includes styles for various elements such as the toolbar, calendar views, events, and responsive design adjustments. These styles harmonize with Material-UI's theme, ensuring a consistent design language throughout the application.

Example Code

// MUI imports
import { styled } from '@mui/material/styles'
import type { Theme } from '@mui/material/styles'

// Styled Components
const AppFullCalendar = styled('div')(({ theme }: { theme: Theme }) => ({
// Style definitions...

export default AppFullCalendar

This code creates a component AppFullCalendar that wraps the FullCalendar component and applies the defined styles.

Implementing the Styled Calendar

To use the styled FullCalendar, wrap the CalendarWrapper component (which contains the FullCalendar instance) within AppFullCalendar.

import Card from '@mui/material/Card'
import CalendarWrapper from '@views/apps/calendar/CalendarWrapper'
import AppFullCalendar from '@/libs/styles/AppFullCalendar'

const CalendarApp = () => {
return (
<AppFullCalendar className='app-calendar'>
<CalendarWrapper />

export default CalendarApp

The CalendarWrapper is then rendered inside the AppFullCalendar to apply the custom styles.

By following this guide, you can integrate and style FullCalendar in your Next.js application with Material-UI for a cohesive and customizable user interface.