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This guide describes the integration of react-toastify, a library for creating highly customizable toast notifications, with Material-UI in a Next.js application.


React Toastify provides an easy way to add toast notifications to your React application. These notifications are highly customizable and can be used for various purposes like success messages, error or information notices and more.

AppReactToastify component

To ensure the toast notifications match the theme's UI, we have created AppReactToastify component. AppReactToastify is a custom styled component that wraps the ToastContainer from React Toastify, providing consistent styling.


You need to use the AppReactToastify component in the src/components/Providers.tsx file to add the Toastify's container and the custom styles for the toast notifications.

// src/components/Providers.tsx

import AppReactToastify from '@/libs/styles/AppReactToastify'

const Providers = (/* props */) => {
return (
{/* Other providers in the wrapper */}
<ThemeProvider {/* props of ThemeProvider */}>
<AppReactToastify {/* props of AppReactToastify */} />

export default Providers