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This guide explains how to use the keen-slider library with Material-UI styling in a Next.js application. For detailed features of Keen-Slider, visit the official documentation.


Keen-Slider is a touch-friendly and fully customizable JavaScript slider library. We have integrated it with Material-UI to create a seamless and visually appealing slider experience in our Next.js project.

Styling Keen-Slider with Material-UI

We employ Material-UI's styling approach to customize Keen-Slider's appearance. The AppKeenSlider component is a styled div that encapsulates Keen-Slider and applies various styles for enhanced usability.

Styled Component: AppKeenSlider

AppKeenSlider is a styled div designed specifically for Keen-Slider. It contains styles for the slider, slides, navigation controls, and other elements, ensuring they align with Material-UI's theme.

Example Code

// MUI Imports
import { styled } from '@mui/material/styles';
import type { Theme } from '@mui/material/styles';

// Import Keen-Slider CSS
import 'keen-slider/keen-slider.min.css';

// Styled Components
const AppKeenSlider = styled('div')(({ theme }: { theme: Theme }) => ({
// Style rules for Keen-Slider...

export default AppKeenSlider;

This code snippet sets up AppKeenSlider, applying custom styles to Keen-Slider for a cohesive design in line with Material-UI.

Implementing the Styled Keen-Slider

To use Keen-Slider with our custom styles, wrap the slider or the entire page (if multiple sliders are used) in the AppKeenSlider component.

Example: Basic Keen-Slider Implementation

import AppKeenSlider from '@/libs/styles/AppKeenSlider';

const SwiperBasic = () => {
// Keen-Slider hook for slider functionality
const [ref] = useKeenSlider<HTMLDivElement>();

return (
<div ref={ref} className='keen-slider'>
{/* Slider slides */}
<div className='keen-slider__slide'><img src='img1' alt='swiper 1' /></div>
<div className='keen-slider__slide'><img src='img2' alt='swiper 2' /></div>
<div className='keen-slider__slide'><img src='img3' alt='swiper 3' /></div>
<div className='keen-slider__slide'><img src='img4' alt='swiper 4' /></div>
<div className='keen-slider__slide'><img src='img5' alt='swiper 5' /></div>

export default SwiperBasic;

In this example, SwiperBasic is a functional component that utilizes AppKeenSlider to display a series of images in a slider format.

By integrating AppKeenSlider into your Next.js application, you can create beautifully styled sliders that are consistent with your Material-UI themed UI.