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To understand the Pagination component better, please refer to the MUI Pagination Documentation.

We've enhanced our custom MUI Pagination component by introducing a new variant='tonal' option, offering more versatility and a refreshed look. This document highlights the enhancements we've made to the Pagination component.


This documentation covers only the additional properties we've introduced. All standard props provided by MUI's Pagination component are also available for use.

Pagination Skins

The tonal variant can be applied to any Pagination component by setting the variant='tonal' prop. This new skin is designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing theme while offering an additional layer of visual distinction to the Pagination component.


Here is an example of how to use the new tonal variant:

// MUI Imports
import Pagination from '@mui/material/Pagination'

<Pagination count={10} color='primary' variant='tonal' />
<Pagination count={10} color='secondary' variant='tonal' />


We've extended the Pagination component's props to include our custom variant option:

variant'text' | 'outlined' | 'tonal''text'NoSet to 'tonal' to apply the tonal theme to the item