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How to Get Support

Welcome to our support guide, where we aim to streamline your journey towards resolving issues swiftly and efficiently. We understand the value of your time ⏱️, and our goal is to ensure you receive the support you need with minimal back-and-forth.

Submitting a Support Ticket

Submitting a ticket on our support portal is as straightforward as commenting on a blog post. To expedite the resolution process, kindly follow the guidance below:

Check for Existing Solutions

It's possible your issue has already been addressed, and you might find the solution without needing to submit a new ticket. Please take a moment to search our FAQ page or Articles for common questions or issues—it could save you time!

Ticket Title and Type

Help the community and our team by categorizing your ticket right in the title. This not only clarifies your needs but also aids in searching related issues. Structure your ticket title as [ticket type] Your question or issue.

Examples of ticket types include:

  • question - General inquiries.
  • installation - Installation-related issues.
  • auth - Authentication and authorization queries.
  • acl - Access control concerns.
  • feat-req - Feature requests.
  • bug - Reporting bugs in the template.
  • other - Anything that doesn't fit the categories above.

Examples of well-formed ticket titles: 💯

  • [question] How to change theme?
  • [question] How to change i18n locale?
  • [installation] Errors during npm run dev
  • [auth] Unexpected behavior after login
  • [other] Collapse component not working as expected
  • [auth] Redirected to login page post-login on refresh

One Issue Per Ticket

For clarity and efficiency, please create separate tickets for distinct issues. This helps keep the support process organized and ensures your queries are addressed promptly.

Specify Your Template Version

Including details about the template version you're using (TypeScript or JavaScript, Full-Version or Starter-Kit, etc.) streamlines the support process. If you're integrating our template with other technologies, mentioning this can further assist in pinpointing the issue.

Good examples include: 💯

  • TypeScript + Full Version
  • Javascript + Starter Kit

Code Sharing

When sharing code snippets, formatting them correctly and using code blocks enhances readability and helps us understand your issue better.

Reproducing Issues/Bugs with the Starter Kit

If your issue requires a code review, such as a feature working in the demo but not in your download, providing steps to reproduce the issue is invaluable. Using the Starter Kit for this purpose ensures a dependency-free environment for testing. You can share a zip file via a private link, but please:


Never upload our package or modified version of our package on public sites where others can view or download it.

Accessing the Support Portal

After purchasing our template, you can seek support by submitting tickets at our support portal. Adhering to the ticket submission guidelines above will facilitate a smoother support experience.

Want Quick Resolution?

Crafting a detailed support ticket using our guide significantly increases the likelihood of resolving your issue swiftly and with fewer exchanges.

Framework Support

To get support for framework related question, raise issue at their Github repo.

Good candidates for framework support are:

  1. How to use x component (x means any MUI Component)
  2. x component not working as expected

Third Party Package Support

Same as framework support, if you have any query regarding how to use any provided package other than their UI you can ask it in their respective Github repo issue section.