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Choosing Between Starter Kit and Full Package

Starter Kit Overview

The Starter Kit is your quick-launch platform, designed for developers who want to hit the ground running without the hassle of stripping away unused features. Here's what you need to know about the Starter Kit:

  • Minimalistic Design: Keeps your project lean with just the essentials.
  • Efficient: No unnecessary code or dependencies.
    • No authentication system
    • No i18n (Internationalization / Translation)
    • No built-in theme customizer
    • Simplified navbar
    • Comes with four pages: two sample pages, a 404 error page, and a login page

Ideal Use Case: Opt for the Starter Kit if your priority is to avoid unnecessary libraries and complexity from the get-go. It's streamlined to ensure you're not bogged down by features you don't need immediately.

The Starter Kit is engineered for simplicity and speed, stripping back to the basics to offer a clean slate. Although it eschews the broader functionalities found in the Full Package, it remains flexible. You can seamlessly incorporate components from the Full Package as your project's needs expand. This adaptability makes it an excellent choice for gradually scaling your application's features. Add the required dependencies while adding new features, components or pages from the Full Package.


For reporting technical issues on Github, the Starter Kit is the preferred reference point, ensuring clarity and ease of reproduction.

Full Package Insights

The Full Package is the all-inclusive variant, mirroring the richness and dynamism of our live demo—minus the "Buy Now" button, of course 😅.

What's Included:

  • Comprehensive Features: Comes packed with all the functionalities showcased in our demo.
  • Customization Requirement: Tailoring required to fit your project's unique needs, involving the removal of unused components or integrating your content.

Making the Choice

Why Choose the Starter Kit? It's the epitome of efficiency and ease, offering a minimalist setup that simplifies the process of adding new libraries or features. Our structured codebase is designed to facilitate easy enhancements, making the Starter Kit an excellent starting point for most projects.

Opting for the Full Package: If your project demands the full spectrum of features from the outset, the Full Package delivers. It's suited for those who need a comprehensive set of tools and components at their disposal, ready to be customized to fit the project's requirements.

The Bottom Line: Whether you lean towards the streamlined simplicity of the Starter Kit or the feature-rich environment of the Full Package, both paths are designed with your project's growth in mind. Choose based on your immediate needs, knowing you have the flexibility to expand and adapt as your project evolves.