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We have created a set of highly useful mixins that greatly facilitate fast and efficient development.


The before-pseudo mixin is inspired by Vuetify and provides a convenient way to add hover styles using a before pseudo-element in SCSS (Sass) stylesheets.


To use the before-pseudo mixin, follow these steps:

  1. Include the mixin in your SCSS file using the @include directive.
  2. Apply the before-pseudo mixin to the desired selector.
@use "@core/scss/base/mixins";

.my-element {
  @include before-pseudo;
// ℹ️ This mixin is inspired from vuetify for adding hover styles via before pseudo element
@mixin before-pseudo() {
  position: relative;

  &::before {
    position: absolute;
    border-radius: inherit;
    background: currentcolor;
    block-size: 100%;
    content: "";
    inline-size: 100%;
    inset: 0;
    opacity: 0;
    pointer-events: none;


Here's an example usage of the before-pseudo mixin:

.button {
  @include before-pseudo;

  // Adds vuetify states
  @include vuetifyStates.states($active: false);

In the above example, the .button class will have a before pseudo-element added, which covers the entire element. When the button is hovered over, the opacity of the before pseudo-element changes to 0.5, creating a hover effect.


The selected-states mixin is inspired by Vuetify's active-states mixin. It provides a convenient way to apply selected states to a specified selector, adding visual effects such as opacity changes. This mixin is especially useful for enhancing interactivity in SCSS (Sass) stylesheets.


To utilize the selected-states mixin, follow these steps:

  1. Include the mixin in your SCSS file using the @include directive.
  2. Pass the desired selector as an argument to the mixin.
@include selected-states('.my-selector') {
  // Styles specific to the selected states of '.my-selector'
// ℹ️ Inspired from vuetify's active-states mixin
// focus => 0.12 & selected => 0.08
@mixin selected-states($selector) {
  #{$selector} {
    opacity: calc(var(--v-selected-opacity) * var(--v-theme-overlay-multiplier));

  #{$selector} {
    opacity: calc(var(--v-selected-opacity) + var(--v-hover-opacity) * var(--v-theme-overlay-multiplier));

  #{$selector} {
    opacity: calc(var(--v-selected-opacity) + var(--v-focus-opacity) * var(--v-theme-overlay-multiplier));

  @supports not selector(:focus-visible) {
    &:focus {
      #{$selector} {
        opacity: calc(var(--v-selected-opacity) + var(--v-focus-opacity) * var(--v-theme-overlay-multiplier));


Here's an example usage of the selected-states mixin:

scss {
  @include selected-states('.my-selector') {
    background-color: blue;
    color: white;

In the above example, the .my-button class will have the selected states styles applied to the .my-selector element, resulting in a blue background and white text color when the element is in the selected states.