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This guide covers how to use react-datepicker, a flexible and customizable date-picker library, in conjunction with Material-UI's styling in a Next.js application. For more information on React-Datepicker, see the official documentation.


React-Datepicker is a versatile and highly configurable date-picker library for React. It provides a range of options and styles to create a date-picker that suits various UI requirements. To align it with Material-UI themes, we have wrapped it in a custom component.

Styling React-Datepicker

We have styled React-Datepicker using Material-UI's capabilities. The AppReactDatepicker component is a styled Material-UI Box that contains the React-Datepicker, applying specific styles to integrate it seamlessly into Material-UI themed interfaces.

Styled Component: AppReactDatepicker

AppReactDatepicker wraps the React-Datepicker component, providing a consistent look with the Material-UI theme. This styling covers various elements of the date-picker, including the header, navigation, and days grid.

Example: Defining AppReactDatepicker

// React Imports
import type { ComponentProps } from 'react'

// MUI Imports
import Box from '@mui/material/Box';
import { styled } from '@mui/material/styles';

// Third-Party Imports
import ReactDatePickerComponent from 'react-datepicker';

// Styles
import 'react-datepicker/dist/react-datepicker.css';

type Props = ComponentProps<typeof ReactDatePickerComponent> & {
boxProps?: BoxProps

// Styled Components
const StyledReactDatePicker = styled(Box)<BoxProps>(({ theme }) => ({
// Custom styles for React-Datepicker...

// Component to render the date-picker
const AppReactDatepicker = (props: Props) => {
const { boxProps, } = props;

return (
<StyledReactDatePicker {...boxProps}>
<ReactDatePickerComponent {} />

export default AppReactDatepicker;

This code sets up AppReactDatepicker to provide a Material-UI themed appearance to React-Datepicker.

Implementing the Styled React-Datepicker

Using AppReactDatepicker, integrating a styled date-picker into your application is straightforward.

Example: Basic Date Picker Implementation

import { useState } from 'react';
import AppReactDatepicker from '@/libs/styles/AppReactDatepicker';
import CustomTextField from '@core/components/mui/text-field'

const PickersBasic = () => {
const [date, setDate] = useState<Date | null | undefined>(new Date());

return (
onChange={(date: Date) => setDate(date)}
placeholderText='Click to select a date'
customInput={<CustomTextField label='Basic' fullWidth />}

export default PickersBasic;

In this example, PickersBasic is a functional component that uses AppReactDatepicker to render a date-picker. It showcases how to use custom inputs and handle date changes.