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Menu Styling

In this section, you will learn how we have styled the menu and how you can customize it to fit your needs.

Our Menu Styling

We have styled the menu according to the layout: Vertical layout and Horizontal layout.

Vertical Layout

Menu styling for the Vertical layout is divided into three parts:

  1. Root Styles

    For defining the navigation menu styles—excluding menu item, submenu, and menu section styles—we've created the src/@core/styles/vertical/navigationCustomStyles.ts file. This file is then imported and utilized within the src/components/layout/vertical/Navigation.tsx file to apply the styles.

    import navigationCustomStyles from '@core/styles/vertical/navigationCustomStyles'

    customStyles={navigationCustomStyles(/* parameters */)}

    You may refer to the Navigation Custom Styles example.

  2. Menu Item Styles

    For defining the menu item and submenu styles, we've created the src/@core/styles/vertical/menuItemStyles.ts file. This file is then imported and utilized within the src/components/layout/vertical/VerticalMenu.tsx file to apply the styles.

    import menuItemStyles from '@core/styles/vertical/menuItemStyles'

    menuItemStyles={menuItemStyles(/* parameters */)}

    You may refer to the Menu Item Styles example.

  3. Menu Section Styles

    For defining the menu section styles, we've created the src/@core/styles/vertical/menuSectionStyles.ts file. This file is then imported and utilized within the src/components/layout/vertical/VerticalMenu.tsx file to apply the styles.

    import menuSectionStyles from '@core/styles/vertical/menuSectionStyles'

    menuSectionStyles={menuSectionStyles(/* parameters */)}

    You may refer to the Menu Section Styles example.

Horizontal Layout

Menu styling for the Horizontal layout is divided into various parts:

  1. Navigation Content Wrapper Styles

    For defining the navigation content wrapper styles, we've created the StyledDiv styled component within the src/components/layout/horizontal/Navigation.tsx file.

  2. Menu Root Styles

    For defining the menu root styles, we've created the src/@core/styles/horizontal/menuRootStyles.ts file. This file is then imported and utilized within the src/components/layout/horizontal/HorizontalMenu.tsx file to apply the styles.

    import menuRootStyles from '@core/styles/horizontal/menuRootStyles'

    rootStyles={menuRootStyles(/* parameters */)}

    You may refer to the Menu Root Styles example.

  3. Menu Item Styles

    For defining the menu item and submenu styles, we've created the src/@core/styles/horizontal/menuItemStyles.ts file. This file is then imported and utilized within the src/components/layout/horizontal/HorizontalMenu.tsx file to apply the styles.

    import menuItemStyles from '@core/styles/horizontal/menuItemStyles'

    menuItemStyles={menuItemStyles(/* parameters */)}

    You may refer to the Menu Item Styles example.

  4. Adapting Navigation for Small Screens

    To accommodate smaller screens, the horizontal menu transitions to a vertical format. This responsive behavior is enabled by setting the switchToVertical prop on the HorizontalNav component found in src/components/layout/horizontal/HorizontalMenu.tsx. For styling this vertically aligned menu on smaller devices, we apply the navigationCustomStyles and the menuItemStyles styles as detailed in the Vertical Layout section above.

    import VerticalNavContent from './VerticalNavContent'
    import verticalNavigationCustomStyles from '@core/styles/vertical/navigationCustomStyles'
    import verticalMenuItemStyles from '@core/styles/vertical/menuItemStyles'

    customStyles: verticalNavigationCustomStyles(/* parameters */),
    menuItemStyles: verticalMenuItemStyles(/* parameters */),

    You may refer to the Custom root styles for small screen example and the Custom menu item styles for small screen example.

Customizing the Menu Styling

Suppose you want to customize the menu item styles in the Vertical layout, you can do the following:

import menuItemStyles from '@core/styles/vertical/menuItemStyles'

// You may create a new file for your custom styles
const userMenuItemStyles = (/* parameters if any */) => ({
// your custom styles

...menuItemStyles(/* parameters */),
...userMenuItemStyles(/* parameters if any */)

This approach allows for the customization of the menu item styles by combining the default styles with your custom styles.

You can customize all the other menu styles in a similar manner.