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Button Group

Please refer to MUI's official docs for more details on component's usage guide and API documentation.

Basic Button Group

Use variant={'outlined' | 'contained' | 'text'} prop with <ButtonGroup> component for button groups.

Button Group Sizes

Use size={'small' | 'medium' | 'large'} prop with <ButtonGroup> component for different sizes of button groups.

Vertical Button Group

Use orientation='vertical' prop with <ButtonGroup> component for vertical button groups.

Split Button

ButtonGroup can also be used to create a split button. The dropdown can change the button action (as in this example), or be used to immediately trigger a related action.

Button Group Colors

Use color prop for different colored button-groups.

Toggle Button

Please refer to MUI's official docs for more details on component's usage guide and API documentation.

Basic Toggle Button

Manage value prop with <ToggleButtonGroup> component with the help of a state and use exclusive prop with <ToggleButtonGroup> component for single toggle.

Multiple Toggle Button

Manage value prop with the help of a state with array.

Toggle Button Sizes

Use size={'size' | 'large'} prop for different sizes.

Vertical Toggle Button

Use orientation='vertical' prop for vertical toggle button.

Enforce Value Set

Use if statement in handle function in onChange prop.

Exclusive Selection

Multiple Selection

Customized Toggle Button

Use styled hook to customize your toggle button.

Toggle Button Colors

Use color prop for different colored toggle-buttons.