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Please refer to MUI's official docs for more details on component's usage guide and API documentation.

Basic Menu

Manage anchorEl and open props with the help of a state and onClose prop with the help of a function in Menu component.

Selected Menu

Manage selected prop with the help of a state in MenuItem component to select an item.

MenuList Composition

Use a different positioning strategy and not blocking the page scroll by using MenuList and Popper components.

Customized Menu

Use styled hook to customize your menu.

Max Height Menu

Use PaperProps prop and use style property to set the height of the menu.

Change Transition

Use TransitionComponent prop to change the transition of the menu.

Context Menu

Use onContextMenu prop in the parent element to manage the context menu.

Apple pie bonbon sweet brownie cake lemon drops carrot cake danish carrot cake. Marzipan jujubes cupcake cake bear claw jujubes. Macaroon candy canes jelly-o sugar plum biscuit. Cupcake cupcake oat cake cookie donut candy canes chupa chups. Jelly beans carrot cake soufflé gummies sweet cake halvah carrot cake. Candy marshmallow apple pie donut toffee pudding jelly croissant jelly. Dragée cake liquorice cake gummi bears. Gummi bears caramels tootsie roll caramels lemon drops caramels chocolate cake jelly oat cake. Oat cake tart biscuit cake.