Drag and Drop

Draggable Card 1

Cake candy canes soufflé soufflé cupcake gummi bears jelly-o cake cake. Cotton candy toffee pudding jujubes cookie pastry jelly-o caramels. Cheesecake marshmallow gingerbread gummi bears oat cake.

Draggable Card 2

Sugar plum macaroon toffee croissant cake marzipan lemon drops. Gingerbread muffin dragée macaroon. Tart powder jujubes cheesecake biscuit cotton candy cupcake gingerbread. Gummi bears icing jujubes.

Draggable Card 3

Dessert bonbon bear claw pie macaroon. Cupcake wafer donut candy chocolate cake. Tart pudding candy canes gingerbread tiramisu brownie tiramisu chupa chups. Toffee lemon drops chocolate toffee cookie icing.

Draggable Card 4

Donut cookie halvah bear claw sweet roll. Fruitcake topping wafer icing gummi bears cheesecake. Jelly beans apple pie gummies cheesecake oat cake ice cream danish cookie. Carrot cake sweet roll cotton candy.

Basic List Group Sortable

The most basic list group is simply an unordered list with list items, and the proper classes.

  • img-placeholder
    Mary S. Navarre
    Chupa chups tiramisu apple pie biscuit sweet roll bonbon macaroon toffee icing.
  • img-placeholder
    Max G. Ellis
    Toffee powder marzipan tiramisu. Cake cake dessert danish.
  • img-placeholder
    Sandra C. Toney
    Sugar plum fruitcake gummies marzipan liquorice tiramisu. Pastry liquorice chupa chupsake
  • img-placeholder
    Samuel D. Goins
    Toffee powder marzipan tiramisu. Cake cake dessert danish.
  • img-placeholder
    Linda M. English
    Chupa chups tiramisu apple pie biscuit sweet roll bonbon macaroon toffee icing.

Multiple Lists

Drag and drop items of more than one list. Add same group to group prop

Group 1

  • img-placeholder
    Mary S. Navarre
    Chupa chups tiramisu apple pie biscuit sweet roll bonbon macaroon.
  • img-placeholder
    Max G. Ellis
    Toffee powder marzipan tiramisu. Cake cake dessert danish.
  • img-placeholder
    Sandra C. Toney
    Sugar plum fruitcake gummies marzipan liquorice tiramisu.
  • img-placeholder
    Samuel D. Goins
    Toffee powder marzipan tiramisu. Cake cake dessert danish.
  • img-placeholder
    Linda M. English
    Chupa chups tiramisu apple pie biscuit sweet roll bonbon macaroon.

Group 2

  • img-placeholder
    Mary S. Navarre
    Chupa chups tiramisu apple pie biscuit sweet roll bonbon macaroon.
  • img-placeholder
    Max G. Ellis
    Toffee powder marzipan tiramisu. Cake cake dessert danish.
  • img-placeholder
    Sandra C. Toney
    Sugar plum fruitcake gummies marzipan liquorice tiramisu
  • img-placeholder
    Samuel D. Goins
    Toffee powder marzipan tiramisu. Cake cake dessert danish.
  • img-placeholder
    Linda M. English
    Chupa chups tiramisu apple pie biscuit sweet roll bonbon macaroon.

Clone List

Clone list items from another existing list.

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Drag and Drop with Handle

You have to customize drag handle yourself using class .handle

List One
  • +Cras justo odio
  • +Dapibus ac facilisis in
  • +Morbi leo risus
  • +Porta ac consectetur ac
  • +Vestibulum at eros
List Two
  • +Vestibulum at eros
  • +Porta ac consectetur ac
  • +Morbi leo risus
  • +Dapibus ac facilisis in
  • +Cras justo odio