Martina Ash
Ice cream sweet chupa chups oat cake croissant halvah cake. Halvah macaroon jelly-o gingerbread cheesecake carrot cake. Muffin donut ice cream brownie cheesecake halvah... MORE
- UX Designer at PIXINVENT
- Former UI Designer at CBI
- Studied IT science at Torronto
- Studied at College of New Jersey
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Time to break up with your web host
Gummi bears gummi bears cake jelly-o. Bear claw marshmallow lemon drops biscuit caramels. Tart jelly-o muffin. Toffee pie cheesecake apple pie sesame snaps. Candy canes candy canes dragée chocolate pudding. Soufflé chocolate bar pastry jujubes.
David Carter
UX Designer
PIXINVENTCookie cake cupcake jelly marzipan cake cookie bonbon. Liquorice lollipop danish liquorice. Caramels dragée candy tootsie roll tart icing chocolate cake. Cake chocolate bar sweet biscuit bear claw.
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Lead Designer
Sketch AppLemon drops apple pie tart sweet roll gummi bears caramels tart. Powder sweet powder chocolate brownie. Cupcake fruitcake chocolate bar cake marzipan dessert candy gingerbread.
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Biscuit jelly beans dragée candy canes. Jelly beans sugar plum oat cake jelly toffee marshmallow.
- There is a meetup in your city on Friday at 16:00. See Details
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