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To get a deeper understanding of the Button and ButtonGroup components, you can refer to the MUI documentation for MUI Button Documentation and MUI ButtonGroup Documentation.

We have customized the Button and ButtonGroup components to include a tonal variant, offering an additional visual style option for users. This document will guide you through using this new variant.


This documentation focuses on the tonal variant we've introduced. All standard properties from MUI's Button and ButtonGroup components remain applicable.

Button Tonal Variant

The tonal variant for the Button component provides a subtle, tonal effect that enhances the visual hierarchy of actions in your application.


// MUI Imports
import Button from '@mui/material/Button'

const TonalButtons = () => (
<Button variant='tonal'>Primary</Button>
<Button variant='tonal' color='secondary'>Secondary</Button>
<Button variant='tonal' disabled>Disabled</Button>
<Button variant='tonal' href='#'>Link</Button>

ButtonGroup Tonal Variant

Grouping buttons with the tonal variant provides a cohesive look for related actions, maintaining the tonal styling across all buttons within the group.


// MUI Imports
import Button from '@mui/material/Button'
import ButtonGroup from '@mui/material/ButtonGroup'

const TonalButtonGroup = () => (
<ButtonGroup variant='tonal'>


variant'contained' | 'outlined' | 'text' | 'tonal''text'NoSet to 'tonal' to enable the tonal skin