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To understand the Stepper component better, please refer to the MUI Stepper Documentation.

We've upgraded the basic Stepper component to improve both its aesthetics and features. Below is a quick summary of the improvements made.


This guide focuses exclusively on the new properties we've added. Feel free to use any of the standard props provided by MUI's Stepper component in addition.


The StepperCustomDot component, situated at src/components/stepper-dot/index.tsx, is designed to customize the visual representation of each step within the Stepper. It adjusts icons based on the step's state.

To use the StepperCustomDot within a stepper, you can incorporate it in the stepIcon prop of slots in the StepLabel component. Here's a basic example of using StepperCustomDot within a Stepper component:

import StepperCustomDot from '@components/stepper-dot';

<Stepper activeStep={activeStep} orientation='vertical'>
{, index) => (
<Step key={index}>
stepIcon: StepperCustomDot
{/* Step content here */}

Component States

Error State: Displays an icon indicating an error in the step.

Completed State: Shows a filled circle icon, marking the step as completed.

Active State: Highlights the dot, indicating it is the current active step.


The StepperWrapper component, situated at src/@core/styles/stepper.ts, is designed to enhance the appearance of MUI's Stepper component.

Styling the Stepper

We leverage MUI's styled function to create the StepperWrapper, injecting theme-based styles for responsive design and visual enhancements. This approach ensures that the stepper adheres to the application's design language and behaves responsively across devices.

StepperWrapper encapsulates styles targeting different parts of the stepper, including horizontal and vertical alignments, step icons, labels, numbers, titles, subtitles, and connector lines. It makes extensive use of theme breakpoints for responsive design, typography for consistent font styling, and color variables for state-based styling.

Example Code

// MUI imports
import Box from '@mui/material/Box'
import { styled } from '@mui/material/styles'
import type { BoxProps } from '@mui/material/Box'

const StepperWrapper = styled(Box)<BoxProps>(({ theme }) => ({
// Responsive and state-based style definitions...
})) as typeof Box

export default StepperWrapper

This snippet creates a StepperWrapper component applying predefined styles to enhance the default Stepper component's appearance and functionality.

Implementing the Styled Stepper

To utilize the StepperWrapper, simply wrap the Stepper component within this wrapper.

Example Usage

import StepperWrapper from '@core/styles/stepper.ts'
import Stepper from '@mui/material/Stepper'

const MyComponent = () => {
// States and functions...

return (
<Stepper activeStep={activeStep}>
{/* Step components */}
{/* Additional content */}

export default MyComponent

By incorporating the StepperWrapper, users can easily enhance their stepper component's responsiveness and visual appeal, aligning it with their application's overall design theme.