Folder Structure

Frest also provide HTML laravel version. In this page, we have provided installation and usage information.

Once you download the template from ThemeForest, unzip the package and you will find the below folder structure in frest-laravel-admin-template/.

            ├── app/
            |   ├── Http/
            |   |   ├── Controllers/
            |   ├── Helpers/
            |   |   ├── helpers.php
            ├── bootstrap/
            ├── docker/
            ├── config/
            |   ├── custom.php (Template configuration file)
            ├── database/
            ├── public/ /public content generated after compilation done./
            |   ├── assets/
            |   ├── css/
            |   ├── data/
            |   |   ├── menus/ /All layouts menu's json files/
            |   |   ├── template-list.json
            |   ├── fonts/
            |   ├── images/
            |   ├── js/
            |   ├── vendors/
            |   ├── mix-manifest.json
            ├── resources/
            |   |   ├── assets/ /custom js and scss file for users/
            |   |   ├── data/ /All menus and search list's Json files/
            |   |   |   ├── menus/(all layouts menu json files)
            |   |   |   |   ├── horizontal-menu.json
            |   |   |   |   ├── vertical-menu-boxicons.json
            |   |   |   |   ├── vertical-menu.json
            |   |   ├── fonts/ /frest Admin fonts/
            |   |   ├── images/ /frest Admin images/
            |   |   ├── js/ /Include js files/
            |   |   ├── lang/ /Include Languages/
            |   |   ├── sass/ /Include scss files/
            |   |   ├── vendors/ /Include all vendors css and js files/
            |   |   ├── views/ /Include blade.php files/
            |   |   |   ├── layouts
            |   |   |   ├── pages
            |   |   |   ├── panels
            ├── routes
            ├── storage
            ├── tests/ (For testing)
            ├── .editorconfig (Related with your editor)
            ├── .env.example (Include Database credentials, it will be .env after update it.)
            ├── artisan (Include artisans commands)
            ├── composer.json (Dependencies used by composer)
            ├── package.json (Dependencies used by node)
            ├── phpunit.xml (Related With testing)
            ├── server.php (For php's internal web server)
            └── webpack.mix.js (Laravel's webpack file)
Tip: We also provide laravel starter-kit to speed up your laravel development with Frest Admin.
Following is the details for laravel folder structure.
Folder/Files Details
app/ This folder contains all the controller inside controllers folder and model files.
bootstrap/ This folder contains cache and app.php.
config/ This folder contains the config files. You can find custom.php file for template customization.
database/ This folder contains database Migrations, model factories, & seeds.
docker/ This folder contains all docker files used by sail.
public/ This folder contains index.php ,static folder & Build of the tempalte.
resources/ This folder contains views, layouts, store and js, sass, json files.
resources/data/template-list.json This file contains the list of search menu items.
resources/data/menus/ It contains the list of main-menu sidebar items of Vertical menu,Horizontal-menu,vertical-munu-boxicons.
routes/ It contains the web.php file where pages can be served on the browser.
storage/ This folder contains compile blade templates.
views/layouts It contains the all master layout files.
views/panels It contains all panel files like header / footer / sidebar / navbar etc.
views/pages It contains the content page files. To create new page refer the steps.