
To configuration Options in details:

You can change configuration options from config -> custom.php file which can be effected for all pages in templates. For Page Level Configuration you can change variable values in App -> Http -> Controller -> {Controller File} file.
Key Possible Options Details
mainLayoutType vertical-menu,horizontal-menu,vertical-menu-boxicons To switch vertical/horizontal/vertical-boxicons layout. By defaul this will work with vertical layout.
theme light (default) / dark / semi dark Set between light theme, dark theme & semi-dark theme. (note: semi-dark not applicable for horizontal-menu)
isContentSidebar true/false(default) There are two types of page layouts with content sidebar or without content sidebar. e.g: email App is with content sidebar page layouts)
pageHeader true/false(default) This option is used to show breadcrumb.
bodyCustomClass Using this variable, you can add your own custom class to include <body> tag.
navbarBgColor bg-white(default for vertical-menu),bg-primary(default horizontal-menu), bg-success,bg-danger,bg-info,bg-warning,bg-dark Change the color of the navbar using available options. note: navbar color only visible when you scroll down the page atlease 20px.
navbarType fixed,static,hidden Change how the navbar is displayed. note: horizontal-menu doesn't support hidden.
isMenuCollapsed true/false(default) Toggle display of sidebar collapse or expand. note: horizontal-menu does not support this options.
footerType fixed,static,hidden Change how the footer is displayed.
templateTitle 'Frest' You can change template name using this option. Frest(default)
isCustomizer true(default)/false You can add or remove theme customizer in template.
isCardShadow true(default)/false You can simply add or remove card shadow in whole template.
isScrollTop true(default)/false You can hide/show scroll to top button.
defaultLanguage en(default),pt,fr,de To set your default language in template.
direction env('MIX_CONTENT_DIRECTION', 'ltr')(default), env('MIX_CONTENT_DIRECTION', 'rtl') To switch ltr/rtl direction of the layout. By defaul this will work with LTR layout.
You can change the sidebar active menu color and Template title color directly through override $primary variable. You can find this variable in below mention file.
Change for Page Level Configuration :

If you want to add Page level configuration for layout, you need to to set array for page configuration in app -> Http -> Controller -> {Controller file} and send it to your view.

            public function {functionName}(){
              $pageConfigs = [
                  'theme' => 'dark',
                  'navbarColor' => 'bg-primary',
                  'navbarType' => 'static',
                  'footerType' => 'sticky',
                  'bodyClass' => 'testClass'

              return view('/pages/testPage', [
                  'pageConfigs' => $pageConfigs

Create New Page

How to add New Page:
  • Create New View with blade.php extenstion.
  • Create Controller for different methods related to page. (Optional. You can use default controller also.)
  • Set Path in routes/web.php file to serve the page on the browser.
  • Add page link to resources -> data -> menus-> vertical-menu.json, horizontal-menu.json and vertical-menu-boxicons files to display menu item in sidebar/menu.
  • Add page link to public -> data -> template-list.json file to display in navbar search option.
  • Add page name to resources -> lang -> en{all language folder} -> locale.php file to display in multi language.
Steps to add a new page:

Step 1: Create a file with the extension .blade.php under the resources -> views -> pages directory. Let's create a testPage for an example with filename testPage.blade.php and placing the below code in that file.

    @extends('layouts/contentLayoutMaster') // choose any one option {contentLayoutMaster/fullLayoutMaster}

            @section('title', 'Content Layout')  // change title accrodingly


            //page content


Step 2: To add new controller, use below command :

            php artisan make:controller {ControllerName} {-r}
Add Configuration in controller as described here.
To add breadcrumbs:
              $breadcrumbs = [
                  ['link'=>"/",'name'=>"Home"],['link'=>"/",'name'=>"Page"], ['name'=>"Content Layout"]

              return view('/pages/test-page', [
                  'breadcrumbs' => $breadcrumbs

Step 3: After creating file and controller you need to declare its route where it can be served on the browser, suppose you want created page to be serve on the route http://localhost:8080/testPage . To access this page define its routes in the resources -> web.php file.

              Route::get('/testPage', function () {
                return view('pages/testPage');

Step 4: After defining the route, add page link to sidebar at resources -> data -> menus -> verticalMenu.json / horizontalMenu.json /vertical-menu-boxicons file.

Option 1: To add item in menu.

              {"url":"/testPage", "name":"Test Page", "i18n":"Test Page", "icon":"feather icon-file-text"},

Option 2: To add item as a sub menu item.

              {"url":"#", "name":"Main menu", "i18n":"Main Menu", "icon":"feather icon-file-text",
                "submenu": [
                  {"url":"submenu1", "name":"Submenu 1", "i18n":"Submenu1", "icon":"feather icon-circle"},
                  {"url":"submenu2", "name":"Submenu 2", "i18n":"Submenu2", "icon":"feather icon-circle"}

Step 5: For page searching options in navbar search box, add page link in public -> data -> template-list.json file.

              {"name":"Test Page", "url":"/testPage","icon":"feather icon-file-text"},

Step 6: Add page name to resources -> lang -> en{all language folder} -> locale.php file to display in multi language.

              "Dashboard"=> "Instrumententafel",
              "Modern"=> "Modern",

After completing these above steps you need to run the command npm run dev or npm run watch command in the project directory. After running this process you need to run the command php artisan serve. It will serve your app on the localhost.


To create RTL layout. There are two way to do this.

First Way

Change MIX_CONTENT_DIRECTION variable value from ltr to rtl in .env file

Second way

Change configuration option from config -> custom.php file.

Update direction value from 'direction' => env('MIX_CONTENT_DIRECTION', 'ltr'), to 'direction' => env('MIX_CONTENT_DIRECTION', 'rtl'),