# Dependencies

# Common

Heads Up!

The following dependencies are common and required to run the template. Do not try to remove any of these dependencies. You may add / update / remove any other dependencies according to your requirements.

"@types/react" // Typescript version only
"@types/node" // Typescript version only
"typescript" // Typescript version only

# Authentication

"@types/jsonwebtoken" // Typescript version only

# Calendar


# Form Validation


# Internationalization (i18n)


# Charts

// Apexcharts

// Recharts

// ChartJs

# Redux

"@types/react-redux" // Typescript version only

# Editor

"@types/react-draft-wysiwyg" // Typescript version only
"@types/draft-js" // Typescript version only

# Right to Left (RTL)


# Copy to Clipboard


# Upload


# API Call


# Data Grid


# Input Formatter

"@types/cleave.js" // Typescript version only

# Page loader

"@types/nprogress" // Typescript version only

# Markdown

"@types/prismjs" // Typescript version only

# Toast


# PDF Generator


# Date Time Picker

"@types/react-datepicker" // Typescript version only
"date-fns" // date formatter

# Payment

"@types/payment" // Typescript version only
"@types/react-credit-cards" // Typescript version only

# Swiper


# Eslint

"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin" // Typescript version only
"@typescript-eslint/parser" // Typescript version only
"eslint-import-resolver-typescript" // Typescript version only
Last Updated: 5/8/2024, 7:58:27 AM