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Thanks for purchasing our template 🙂

How to use docs


Guide provides basic understanding of how our template works and how you can tweak it. It explains essentials and core vitals of our template so we highly recommend you first read our guide and then start working our your project using our template.


We also have FAQs so you can find instant answer to question might come up in your development process. Refer to our FAQ.


We also have very helpful articles on particular topic to provide you more insight and detailed guide. Refer to our articles.

Video Tutorials

We also have created video tutorials for our admin template. Refer to our video tutorials.

Starter kit vs Full package

Starter kit

Starter-kit is minimal template from where you can start your project quickly instead of removing stuff which isn't needed. Below is quick notes on starter-kit:

  • No Auth
  • No ACL
  • No i18n
  • Simple Navbar
  • Four pages (Two sample pages + 404 + Login)
  • No Customizer
  • No Scroll to top
  • No search

Use it if you don't want to clutter your project with extra libs which isn't required.

Don't worry about configuring third party libs which if you want to use them in starter-kit, our template is so flexible that all you have to do is just copy them from full-version and place it under src/plugins directory and provided third party package is ready to use 😍


Starter kit is helpful in providing reproduction steps if you have any technical query.

Full package

This setup have all the things which you can see in live demo. Except that red Buy Now button 😅.

With this you have to remove things which you don't use or replace them with your content.


According to us, starter-kit is easy to get started with minimal setup and our folder and code structure will help you adding libs support in starter-kit more easily than ever. Still if your project becomes easy with full package go for it.

Getting template update


Please keep track of which version of the template you are using in your project to easily update your project with latest template release.

Please refer to this article.

Let's start with installation.