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Laravel Deployment

Let's create a production build:

  • First, we have to change the base path of vue-router in below file.
// full-version/src/router/index.{ts/js}

history: createWebHistory(import.meta.env.BASE_URL) => history: createWebHistory('/'), 
// if you deploy in subfolder then path should be according to your sub folder.
  • Generate production build following below command:
npm run build
  • We have successfully created build files.

Let's understand by an example:

  • In this example, we are going to separate the Laravel and public folder for security reasons. Now We have to change the path of laravel resources in public/index.php file.

  • It may differ from server to server.

  • We have two folder in our server.

    ├── public_html (folder for public accessible)
    │   ├── build
    │   │   ├── assets
    │   │   └── mix-manifest.json
    │   ├── .htaccess
    │   ├── favicon.ico
    │   ├── index.php
    │   ├── loader.css
    │   ├── logo.png
    │   ├── robots.txt
    ├── laravel  (folder where laravel live)
    │   ├── app                      
    │   ├── bootstrap                
    │   ├── config                   
    │   ├── database                 
    │   ├── lang                     
    │   ├── resources                            
    │   ├── routes/                  
    │   ├── storage/                 
    │   ├── tests/                   
    │   ├── .editorconfig            
    │   ├── .env.example             
    │   ├── .gitattributes           
    │   ├── .gitignore               
    │   ├── .stylelintrc.json        
    │   ├── .eslintrc.js             
    │   ├── auto-imports.d.ts        
    │   ├── components.d.ts          
    │   ├── artisan                  
    │   ├── shims.d.ts               
    │   ├── composer.json            
    │   ├── package.json             
    │   ├── env.d.ts                 
    │   ├── themeConfig.ts           
    │   ├── tsconfig.json            
    │   ├── jsconfig.json            
    │   ├── phpunit.xml              
    │   ├── server.php               
    │   └── vite.config.ts
  • As an above structure, we have to changes some paths in the index.php file in the public or public_html file. Also, we have to bind the document root to he current file path, where index.php exists.

    use Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel;
    use Illuminate\Http\Request;
    define('LARAVEL_START', microtime(true));
    | Check If Application Is Under Maintenance
    | If the application is maintenance / demo mode via the "down" command we
    | will require this file so that any prerendered template can be shown
    | instead of starting the framework, which could cause an exception.
    if (file_exists(__DIR__.'/../laravel/storage/framework/maintenance.php')) {
        require __DIR__.'/../laravel/storage/framework/maintenance.php';
    | Register The Auto Loader
    | Composer provides a convenient, automatically generated class loader for
    | this application. We just need to utilize it! We'll simply require it
    | into the script here so we don't need to manually load our classes.
    require __DIR__.'/../laravel/vendor/autoload.php';
    | Run The Application
    | Once we have the application, we can handle the incoming request using
    | the application's HTTP kernel. Then, we will send the response back
    | to this client's browser, allowing them to enjoy our application.
    $app = require_once __DIR__.'/../laravel/bootstrap/app.php';
    $kernel = $app->make(Kernel::class);
    $response = tap($kernel->handle(
        $request = Request::capture()
    $kernel->terminate($request, $response);
  • Required Permissions

    If you are facing any issues regarding the permissions, then you need to run the following command in your project directory:

    sudo chmod -R o+rw bootstrap/cache
    sudo chmod -R o+rw storage


As above code, we have changed all paths as per our folder structure.

Note: public_html folder may differ from server to server.

Congratulation! You have successfully deployed the package.