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Colors & Themes

You can customize colors via theme in Vuetify. You can customize them as mentioned in their docs.

Here, we will go over how you can customize the theme/colors in our template. Themes are defined in src/plugins/vuetify/theme.ts.

Updating colors

To update primary colors to something else navigate to above mentioned vuetify plugin theme file and update primary to desired colors in themes you like.

theme: {
  themes: {
    light: {
      dark: false,
      colors: {
         'primary': '#a169ff', 
         'primary': '#000', 
          // other...
      dark: {
        dark: true,
        colors: {
           'primary': '#a169ff', 
           'primary': '#000', 
            // other...

In above code snippet we just updated the primary color in light & dark theme. Now when you run the project #000 color will be your primary color.

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