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We have created a set of composables that simplifies our development. You can find all the composables at: src/@core/composable/. Below, you can find the comprehensive descriptions of each composable with their functionalities, intended use cases and example code snippet.


The createUrl composable appends query parameters to the URL and returns a reactive URL. Since it returns a reactive URL, any changes in the parameters will return a newly generated URL. We utilize this composable to make API calls to our endpoint. When the parameters change, the composable returns a new URL, allowing us to fetch data based on the updated parameters. This dynamic behavior ensures that our application can adapt to changing user input, enabling real-time updates and a seamless user experience.

//file: src/@core/composable/createurl.ts

const { data: referralData } = await useApi<any>(createUrl('/apps/ecommerce/referrals', {
  query: {

We have heavily used this composable in Datatables.


We need to provide different images based on our current theme. For instance, we want to use imgDark.png for the dark theme and imgLight.png for the light theme. We'll pass both of these images as parameters to useGenerateImageVariant composable, and it will return the appropriate image depending on the current theme. Please refer to below code snippet.

//file: src/@core/composable/useGenerateImageVariant.ts

import darkImage from '/assets/imgDark.png'
import lightImage from '/assets/imgLight.png'

const lightTheme = useGenerateImageVariant(lightImage, darkImage)


This composable is used to set/get values in cookies. Please refer to below code snippet.


// Get cookie value
const accessToken = useCookie('accessToken').value

// Set cookie value
useCookie('accessToken').value = null


This composable function assesses the current width of the display and returns the status of the left sidebar through the variable isLeftSidebarOpen. This variable reflects whether the left sidebar is currently open or closed. It can be used in toggling the sidebar visibility based on the screen width.

const { isLeftSidebarOpen } = useResponsiveLeftSidebar()

<VNavigationDrawer v-model="isLeftSidebarOpen"> </VNavigationDrawer>