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Layout types

Our template's layout system provides maximum flexibility to the developer. We use vite-plugin-vue-layouts plugin to create layouts. With this plugin, all your layouts should be created in @/layouts directory.

Template comes with two types of layouts:

1. Default layout

File: @/layouts/default.vue

This layout is used by default when you create a new page. It is created on top of components provided by layouts plugin. Code for this layout is well documented hence making it self explanatory.

Default layout have two variations:

1. Vertical nav layout

File: @/layouts/components/DefaultLayoutWithVerticalNav.vue

This component uses layouts plugin's VerticalNavLayout component.

VerticalNavLayout component provides four slots:

  1. navbar scoped slot
  2. default slot
  3. footer slot

Related code examples:

2. Horizontal nav layout

File: @/layouts/components/DefaultLayoutWithHorizontalNav.vue

This component uses layouts plugin's HorizontalNavLayout component.

HorizontalNavLayout component provides four slots:

  1. navbar slot
  2. default slot
  3. footer slot

Related code examples:

2. Blank layout

Blank layout is really simple. It just have div wrapper for adding layout classes and default slot to render content.

This is useful if you want to create a page without any layout components. Best candidates can be login pages, 404 pages, etc.


If you define a new layout, please don't forget to add its types in env.d.ts file for getting better type suggestions.


We have encapsulated all default and blank layouts with suspense. This will be triggered on top level await or lazy loading of the component and will display the fallback content until the asynchronous function is resolved.

In our template, We are displaying a progress-bar using AppLoadingIndicator.vue component during the fallback state.

For a more detailed explanation of suspense in a specific layout, please refer to the self-explanatory code in the corresponding file.