Transaction (CRUD) Documentation

CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations are fundamental to effective data management in any system. They empower you to create, retrieve/read, update, and delete data, providing the essential building blocks for handling information within your application.

Introduction to CRUD Operations#

  1. What is CRUD and Why Do We Need It?

    In the world of data management, CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) are like the ABCs for efficiently handling information. This section explores what CRUD is all about and why it's so essential in making applications work smoothly.

  2. What is Database?

    A database is a digital storage space for your application's data, like user information or product details. It's an organized and efficient way to keep and handle data, allowing your app to access, update, and utilize information easily.

  3. Setting Up CRUD Database

    Creating a database table in Django is straightforward. Follow these steps with example code:

    1. Create a Django Project: Create a Django project using the following command:

      django-admin startproject test
    2. Create a Model: Define a model in a Django app's file. A model represents the structure of your table. For example:

      from django.db import models
      class Item(models.Model):
          name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
          description = models.TextField()
          price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)
    3. Admin Interface (Optional): To manage your data easily, update the file. This will register and make your data visible in Django admin:

      from django.contrib import admin
      from .models import Item
    4. Migrations: Create migration files for your model. Run the following commands:
      python makemigrations
      python migrate
    5. View: Create a view to display your data. For example:

      from django.shortcuts import render
      from .models import Item
      from django.views.generic import TemplateView
      class ItemListView(TemaplateView):
          def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
              context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
              context["items"] = Item.objects.all()
              return context

Transaction Management App#

  1. Folder structure
    └── 📂 transactions
        ├── 📂 transaction_list
        │    └── 📄                               > Contain view for displaying Transaction Table.
        ├── 📂 transaction_delete
        │   └── 📄                                > Contain view for deleting Transaction.
        ├── 📂 transaction_add
        │   └── 📄                                > Contain view for adding Transaction.
        ├── 📂 transaction_update
        │   └── 📄                                > Contain view for update Transaction.
        ├── 📄                                     > Url for Transaction app.
        ├── 📄                                   > Contain Profile Model.
        ├── 📄                                    > Contain Form to take Model.
        └── 📂 templates
            ├── 📄 transactions_add.html
            ├── 📄 transactions_list.html
            └── 📄 transactions_update.html
  2. Transaction List

    This page displays data from the database using the Datatable library. Additionally, it features widgets that provide key statistics, including the total number of transactions, total paid amount, total due amount, and total canceled transactions.

    Admin transaction app
    Client transaction app
  3. Transaction Add

    The transaction add page allows users to input new transactions into the database. It includes a form to gather Customer name, transaction date, due date, transaction amount, and transaction status. The page has both client-side validation to provide instant feedback on data input errors and server-side validation. When valid data is entered, the form submits the information to the database, and users are notified with a toast. In case of errors, error messages are displayed.

    The date input filed use select2 library


    The 'transaction add' view, located in transactions/transaction_add/, is implemented as a class-based view. It employs the permission_required decorator to restrict access, ensuring only users with the necessary permissions can use this view, as shown in the image above.

      We've made updates to enhance its functionality:
    • The get_context_data method retrieves variables from the view and passes them to the template.
    • The post method handles data submission to the database and validation."
  4. Transaction Update

    The transaction update page allows users to update existing transactions in the database.


    The 'transaction update' view, located in transactions/transaction_update/, is a class-based view designed for simplicity. It serves the straightforward purpose of retrieving an existing transaction and pre-filling the input fields with its data. Users can make changes to the input fields, and upon form submission, the view seamlessly updates the transaction in the database.

  5. Transaction Delete

    The delete option is present in two place in transaction list where all the all data is shown and in transaction update where user can delete the transaction. In Materialize this option is only available for admin user or user with required permission.

    The delete button has been seamlessly integrated with SweetAlert2 to enhance the user interface (UI) experience. You can locate the integration details in the transactions-delete.js file. For more information on SweetAlert2's functionality and instructions on updating the SweetAlert, please refer to the documentation.


    The 'transaction delete' view, residing in transactions/transaction_delete/ , is a class-based view thoughtfully designed for simplicity. Leveraging Django's user-friendly framework, it harnesses built-in functionality for data deletion. This view simply requires an 'id' parameter and seamlessly removes the corresponding data from the database.

    from django.views.generic import DeleteView
    class ItemListView(DeleteView):
          def get(self, request, pk):
              item = Item.objects.get(id=pk)
              return redirect("transaction_list")
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