# Timeline Dot
# Overview
Please visit MUI Timeline Docs (opens new window) for a proper explanation of the TimelineDot
TimelineDot component is slightly modified to make it more beautiful and useable. Let's have a glance.
We have only mentioned the extended props here but you can still use the default MUI TimelineDot props.
# Timeline Dot Skins
There is only one skin type of timeline dot: light
Here is an example of how to use the skin:
import Icon from 'src/@core/components/icon'
import CustomTimelineDot from 'src/@core/components/mui/timeline-dot'
<CustomTimelineDot skin='light' color='error'>
<Icon icon='mdi:airplane' fontSize={20} />
<CustomTimelineDot skin='light' color='primary'>
<Icon icon='mdi:clock-outline' fontSize={20} />
<CustomTimelineDot skin='light' color='warning'>
<Icon icon='mdi:cart-outline' fontSize={20} />
<CustomTimelineDot skin='light' color='success'>
<Icon icon='mdi:file-edit-outline' fontSize={20} />

# Props
Prop | Type | Required | Description |
skin | light | No | Skin of the timeline dot |
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