# Card Statistics
# Overview
We have create different version of card components to make it easier for you to show your statistics neatly.
# Card Statistics Horizontal
import Icon from 'src/@core/components/icon'
import CardStatisticsHorizontal from 'src/@core/components/card-statistics/card-stats-horizontal'
const Component = () => (
title='New Customers'
icon={<Icon icon='mdi:account-outline' />}
export default Component

# Props
Prop | Type | Required | Description |
icon | ReactNode | Yes | Icon inside the avatar |
stats | string | Yes | The statistic number on the card |
title | string | Yes | Title of the card |
trendNumber | string | Yes | To show the difference in numbers |
color | primary , secondary , success , error , warning , info | No | Color of the icon inside the avatar |
trend | positive , negative | No | To show the change in numbers than previous numbers |
# Card Statistics Vertical
import Icon from 'src/@core/components/icon'
import CardStatisticsVertical from 'src/@core/components/card-statistics/card-stats-vertical'
const Component = () => (
title='Total Orders'
chipText='Last 4 Month'
icon={<Icon icon='mdi:cart-plus' />}
export default Component

# Props
Prop | Type | Required | Description |
icon | ReactNode | Yes | Icon inside the avatar |
stats | string | Yes | The statistic number on the card |
title | string | Yes | Title of the card |
chipText | string | Yes | Label of the chip |
trendNumber | string | Yes | To show the difference in numbers |
color | primary , secondary , success , error , warning , info | No | Color of the avatar |
trend | positive , negative | No | To show the change in numbers than previous numbers |
# Card Statistics Image
import CardStatisticsImg from 'src/@core/components/card-statistics/card-stats-with-image'
const Component = () => (
chipText='Last Month'
export default Component

# Props
Prop | Type | Required | Description |
src | string | Yes | Path of the image |
stats | string | Yes | The statistic number on the card |
title | string | Yes | Title of the card |
chipText | string | Yes | Label of the chip |
trendNumber | string | Yes | To show the difference in numbers |
trend | positive , negative | No | To show the change in numbers than previous numbers |
chipColor | primary , secondary , success , error , warning , info | No | Color of the chip |