# Option Menu
# Overview
Use this component to add an IconButton
(opens new window) which opens a menu/dropdown (opens new window). You can use it anywhere in your project.
# Usage
import Typography from '@mui/material/Typography'
import Icon from 'src/@core/components/icon'
import OptionsMenu from 'src/@core/components/option-menu'
const SomeComponent = () => {
return (
icon={<Icon icon='mdi:chevron-down' />}
iconButtonProps={{ size: 'small', sx: { color: 'text.secondary' } }}
icon: <Icon icon='mdi:send' />,
text: <Typography>Send</Typography>,
menuItemProps: { sx: { '& svg': { mr: 2, color: 'text.secondary' } } }
{ text: 'Styled Item', menuItemProps: { sx: { color: 'error.main' } } },
{ divider: true, dividerProps: { sx: { m: '0 !important' } } },
{ text: 'Item with Object' },
{ text: 'Selected Menu', menuItemProps: { selected: true } },
'Item with String',
{ text: 'Disabled Menu', menuItemProps: { disabled: true } }
export default SomeComponent

# Props
Props | Type | Required | Description |
options | OptionType[] | Yes | Add all the menu items |
icon | ReactNode | No | Change the icon in the MUI's IconButton component |
menuProps | MenuProps | No | Add props of the MUI's Menu component |
leftAlignMenu | boolean | No | If true , menu will align to left side |
iconButtonProps | IconButtonProps | No | Add props of the MUI's IconButton component |
iconProps | SvgIconProps | No | Add props of the icon component |
# The type of OptionType
is either:
Props | Type | Required | Description |
divider | boolean | Yes | To add a separator in the menu |
dividerProps | DividerProps | No | Add props of the MUI's Divider component |
Props | Type | Required | Description |
text | ReactNode | Yes | The text inside a menu item |
icon | ReactNode | No | To add an icon in a menu item |
menuItemProps | MenuItemProps | No | Add props of the MUI's MenuItem component |