Django Admin and Create User

If you are new to the Django template, here you start with Django admin and how to create a user.

Django Admin

Django Admin is a fantastic feature within Django, serving as a user-friendly interface for managing your models, allowing you to create, read, update, and delete data effortlessly.

  1. To access the admin user interface, begin by navigating to either the full-version or starter-kit folder and then execute the following command to start the server:
  2. python runserver
  3. When the server starts at, simply append '/admin' after it, resulting in
  4. The explanation for why this URL leads to the Django admin login page can be located in your project's config/ file.
  5. from django.contrib import admin
    urlpatterns = [

Create User

In order to access the admin application, we must first create a user

  1. This is accomplished by entering the following command in the command prompt:
  2. python createsuperuser
  3. This will result in the following prompt
    Email address:
    Password (again):
    ## This password is too short. It must contain at least 8 characters.
    ## This password is too common.
    ## This password is entirely numeric.
    Bypass password validation and create user anyway? [y/N]:
    Superuser created successfully.
  5. Now You can login to your django admin
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