Steps to install the Vuexy Laravel on your system🧑💻
System Requirements
Node: v18.12.0 or above (LTS)
PHP: v8.2.0 or Above
Composer: v2.2 or Above
Laravel: v11.0.0 or Above
Important for mix!
Mix version is deprecated and we will be removing Mix package and Mix documentation in 3 to 6 months from now!!
If you decide to use npm, make sure you use following command:
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
To migrate latest version of laravel, follow steps of
Migrate Laravel Steps and then go ahead with installation.
Installing and running Vuexy is super easy, please follow below steps and you will be ready to rock 🤘
Open the terminal in your root directory of Vuexy Laravel.
Use following command to install composer
composer install
Find .env.example file at root folder and copy it to .env by running below command Or also can manually copy it (if not having .env file):
cp .env.example .env
Run the following command to generate the key
php artisan key:generate
By running the following command, you will be able to get all the dependencies in your
node_modules folder:
To start the development server, This command will build your frontend assets with template:
Information for vite:
You can use Vite in two modes:
Development Mode: Run yarn dev to start a local server with hot-reloading, ideal for making and previewing changes in real-time.
Production Build: Execute yarn build to bundle and optimize assets for deployment, preparing your application for production.
yarn build
yarn dev
To serve the application, you need to run the following command in the project directory
php artisan serve
Now navigate to the given address, you will see your application is running.🥳
To change the port address, run the following command:
php artisan serve --port=8080 // For port 8080
Watching for changes: If you want to watch all the changes, you make in JavaScript and Styles files then run the following command in the root directory:
yarn dev
yarn watch
Required Permissions
If you are facing any issues regarding the permissions, then you need to run the following command in your project directory: